Spanish Language Blog

Song: El Día Que Me Quieras Posted by on Aug 30, 2013 in Spanish Culture

Hey, there!

Gloria Estefan’s new CD is about to be launched and it brings a cover version of Carlos Gardel’s El Día Que Me Quieras, both in English and Spanish. This is one of the most beautiful love songs of all times, in my humble opinion.

Gloria was on Susana Giménez’s TV show last month and performed, live, this classic song, so enjoy!
If you’re reading this post in your e-mail, click here to watch the video.

El Día Que Me Quieras

Acaricia mi ensueño, el suave murmullo de tu suspirar. [Caress my fantasy, the soft sound of your sigh]
Como ríe la vida si tus ojos negros me quieren mirar. [How life laughs if your black eyes want to look at me]
Y si es mío el amparo de tu risa leve que es como un cantar. [And if the shelter of your light smile is mine and it’s like a song]
Ella aquieta mi herida, todo, todo se olvida. [It heals my wound, I forget about everything]

El día que me quieras la rosa que engalana, [The day you love me, the rose that adorns]
se vestirá de fiesta con su mejor color. [will dress up in its best color]
Y al viento las campanas dirán que ya eres mía, [The bells in the wind will say you are mine]
Y locas las fontanas se contarán su amor. [The crazy fountains will tell about your love]

La noche que me quieras desde el azul del cielo, [The night you love me, from the blye sky]
las estrellas celosas nos mirarán pasar. [The jealous stars will watch us pass]
Y un rayo misterioso hará nido en tu pelo, [And a mysterious lightning will nest itself in your hair]
luciérnagas curiosas que verán que eres mi consuelo. [Curious fireflies will see you are my comfort]

El día que me quieras no habrá más que armonía. [The day you love me there will be more than harmony]
Será clara la aurora y alegre el manantial. [The draw will be clear and happy fountain]
Traerá quieta la brisa rumor de melodía. [Will bring the quiet breeze, smelling like melody]
Y nos darán las fuentes su canto de cristal. [And the fountains will give us their crystal chant]

El día que me quieras endulzará sus cuerdas el pájaro cantor. [The day you love me the singing bird will sweeten the chords]
Florecerá la vida no existirá el dolor. [Life will bloom and there will be no pain]

La noche que me quieras [The night you love me]

Check out Gloria’s interview on the Susana Giménez show, where Cuban journalist Ismale Cala also participates:

Interview Part 01

Interview Part 02

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.