Día de Muertos en Fotos Posted by sasha on Nov 27, 2019 in Uncategorized
Earlier this month, I finally got to experience Día de Muertos in Mexico. If you missed my first post with a highlight video, be sure to check it out here. Today I’d like to show you Día de Muertos en fotos (Day of the Dead in photos). They say una imagen dice más que mil palabras (a photo tells a thousand words), so I guess this post will say a lot! Here are some of my favorite photos with a description en español so you can learn about the holiday while learning Spanish at the same time.
Hay muchos alebrijes coloridos en el Paseo de la Reforma.
There are many colorful alebrijes on Paseo de la Reforma.
La calavera es un símbolo del Día de Muertos.
The calavera (skull) is a symbol of Day of the Dead.
Puedes comer calaveras de alfeñique o chocolate.
You can eat skulls of sugar or chocolate.
Hay muchas cosas interesantes en venta en la calle.
There are many interesting things for sale in the street.
El Jardín Centenario en Coyoacán es un buen lugar para celebrar el Día de Muertos.
The Centennial Garden in Coyoacan is a good place to celebrate Day of the Dead.
La calaca es otro símbolo importante de la fiesta.
The calaca (skeleton) is another important symbol of the holiday.
Muchas personas hacen ofrendas para honrar a los muertos.
Many people make ofrendas (altars) to honor the dead.
Una ofrenda para Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera, los artistas mexicanos más famosos.
An ofrenda for Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera – the most famous Mexican artists.
La flor cempasúchil es conocida como La Flor de los Muertos.
The cempasúchil flower is known as the Flower of the Dead.
La casa de Emilio Fernández dedica su megaofrenda de Día de Muertos a difuntos célebres del entretenimiento y la cultura mexicana.
The house of Emilio Fernandez dedicates its “megaofrenda” of Day of the Dead to deceased celebrities of Mexican entertainment and culture.
¡Las grandes ofrendas en el Zócalo son fantásticas!
The large ofrendas in the Zocalo are fantastic!
Ropa y danza tradicional el frente a la catedral.
Traditional clothing and dance in front of the cathedral.
Pan de muerto es la comida tradicional para el Día de Muertos.
Pan de muerto is the traditional food for Day of the Dead.
Una nueva tradición es el gran desfile.
A new tradition is the big parade.
Miles de personas esperan para entrar al parque.
Thousands of people wait to get into the park.
Los luchadores luchan contra los muertos en Arena México.
The luchadores battle the dead in Arena Mexico.
¡Una banda de mariachis de los muertos!
A mariachi band of the dead!
As you can see, there’s a lot going on for Day of the Dead in Mexico City! If you have the chance to attend the Mexican capital for the holiday next year, I highly recommend it. Be sure to spend at least 3-4 days there so you can take it all in. If you have any questions or comments about celebrating Day of the Dead in Mexico, feel free to drop them below!

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