Learning with dialogues: What do you like? Posted by Adir on Feb 16, 2014 in Spanish Vocabulary, Uncategorized

Hello, there!
Let’s kick off this week with a sample dialogue between Ramón and Juan.
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Ramón: ¿Qué te gustaría ser si no fueras webdesigner? [What would you like to be if you weren’t a webdesigner?]
Juan: No lo sé. No me veo haciendo otra cosa. Aunque tal vez hubiera sido veterinario, me gustan los animales. [I don’t know. I can’t imagine muyself doing anything else. Even though I could have been a vet, I like animals.]
Ramón: ¿En serio? ¿Tienes alguno? [Really? Do you have any?]
Juan: Sí, tengo dos perros y un gato. [Yes, I have two dogs and one cat.]
Ramón: ¿Y eres tú el que los cuida? [And are you the one who takes care of them?]
Juan: Sí. A mi esposa no le gustan demasiado, así que yo los alimento y los cuido. [Yes. My wife is not really into pets, so I feed them and take care of them.]
Useful expressions
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me gustaría = I would like
te gustaría = you would like
si no fueras = if you weren’t
aunque = even though
tal vez = maybe
¿En serio? = Really?
el que = the one
cuidar = to take care
demasiado = a lot
alimentar = to feed
So you’ve just read a dialogue in which the two speakers talk about likes and dislikes. Let’s learn some more expressions related to this topic.
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Me gusta = I like
… viajar = to travel
… ver documentales = to watch documentaries
… leer = to read
… escuchar música = to listen to music
… cuidar animales de estimación = to take care of pets
Me encanta = I love
… despertarme más tarde = to sleep in
… la comida vegetariana = vegetarian food
… hacer una siesta = to take a nap
… dar una vuelta = to take a walk
Me aburre = I find it boring
… hacer cola = to stand in line
No me gusta = I don’t like
… levantarme temprano por/a la mañana = to get up early in the morning
… lidear con personas mandonas = to deal with bossy people
Odio = I hate
Me revienta = It ticks me off
… esperar a personas que llegan tarde = to wait for people who are late
Some more examples:
Siempre me divierto viendo comedias. = I always have a good time watching comedies.
Las películas de ciencia ficción me parecen muy interesantes. = I find sci-fi movies very interesting.
No soy un fanático de los deportes. = I’m not into sports.
No me gustó ese livro. Encontré la lectura difícil. = I didn’t like that book. I found it hard to read.
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