Tag Archives: business
Basic Spanish expressions you will need at the bank Posted by Magda on Mar 7, 2013

Si vais a pasar algún tiempo en España, posiblemente necesitaréis tener una cuenta en el banco para pagar facturas, tener una tarjeta de crédito, o incluso una hipoteca si queréis pasar el resto de vuestra vida en este país, o al menos tener una segunda vivienda. Así que hoy vamos a ver algún vocabulario y…
Business slang expressions in Spanish Posted by Adir on Feb 13, 2012

Hey, there! How’ve you been? In all languages we have very interesting business slang expressions, and today we’ll take a look at some of them in Spanish. Our first expression is ser un trepa. Ser un trepa means to be a social climber, because trepar means to climb, especially a tree or a wall. This…
Business Spanish – The Job Interview in Spanish – Describing Motivation and Drive Posted by Adir on Oct 25, 2010
When we’re in a job interview, the interviewer may ask us about our motivation and drive. Here are some sentences for you to practice. ¿Cómo describiría su ética y desempeño en el trabajo comparados a los de sus colegas? – How would you describe your work ethic and performance compared to your colleagues? ¿Cómo evalúa…
Business Spanish – Arranging to meet someone in Spanish Posted by Adir on Oct 18, 2010
Hello, there! Today we’re going to learn (or review!) useful expressions when you arrange to meet someone in a business context, in Spanish. Let’s start by proposing a time or a place. ¿Cuál sería un buen día para usted? – What day’s good for you? ¿Puedo agendar para el viernes? – Can I put you…
Santiago Calatrava and the World Trade Center Posted by Magda on May 20, 2010

Part of the rebuilding project for the World Trade Center includes a new transportation hub for lower Manhattan, known as the PATH station. It is scheduled to be completed in 2013, and the architect in charge is Santiago Calatrava. Born in Valencia, Spain, Calatrava is one of the most renowned contemporary architects and one of…
Vocabulario – En la oficina (at the office) Posted by Adir on Feb 26, 2010
Shall we learn some vocabulary related to the office? el archivo – file cabinet el armario – closet el clip – paper clip el escáner – scanner el líquido borrador – whiteout el ordenador / la computadora – computer el pisapapeles – paperweight el rotulador – marker el sello fechador – date stamp el sillón…
Business Spanish Posted by Adir on Sep 29, 2009
According to Ed Brodow in the book Negotiate with Confidence, Americans do business in a hurry. The following sentences will show businesspeople some ways to establish rapport, induce the other part to open first, explore the needs of the client, and then resist the first offer. Bien, en primer lugar … – Well, first of…