Tag Archives: current events
La Muerte de Fidel: Castro’s Death Across Languages and Cultures Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Dec 5, 2016
Last week world headlines lit up with the death of one of the most contentious figures of the twentieth century: Fidel Castro. The Cuban revolutionary’s obituaries ranged from heartfelt sympathy to open celebration, and sentiments regarding the death of el Máximo Líder have varied widely in tone and content according to both country and language. The death…
What the Colombian Peace Process Means for a Generation of Spanish Learners Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Aug 31, 2016

Since late last year, the Colombian Proceso de Paz has been marching forward, bringing Colombia ever closer to a peace that’s been hoped for for generations. This week, it’s again making international headlines, as the Colombian government and the FARC have just formally ratified a “definitive ceasefire” and the beginning of the end of the world’s…
5 Current Events Spanish Speakers Need to Follow, from Argentina to Zika Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Jun 29, 2016

With uprisings, people’s movements, peace processes, and game-changing political shifts, there’s no better way to practice your Spanish this summer than by turning on the news or reading the paper. Real life in the Spanish-speaking world is more dramatic than a telenovela right now. If you thought the US was the only country in political turmoil right now…
5 Online Sources of Streaming News in Spanish Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Jan 11, 2016
There’s a lot going on in the Spanish-speaking world right now. Venezuela is shifting toward democracy with the results of its last parliamentary election. Argentina has just undergone its first peaceful power shift from left to right. Spain’s grassroots podemos party winning unprecedented popular support. Colombia approaching a historic peace agreement. Apple moving into Mexico…
Peace in Colombia: Los #DialogosDePaz Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Dec 23, 2015

Modern history has seen almost constant turmoil in el Mundo Hispanohablante, but very soon Latin America will almost certainly be credited with ending its longest ongoing military conflict. Colombia, the country that’s been in civil war for half a century, is on the verge of brokering an unprecedented peace deal with the rebel Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias…