Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Geography

Venezuela’s Natural Beauty: Región Andina Posted by on May 31, 2021

Every corner of Venezuela offers plenty of special places whose landscapes are just breathtaking. And after going over the nature’s bounty that is Guayana region, the three states comprising the Andean Region—Trujillo, Mérida, and Táchira—provide the highest sceneries in the country. The longest mountain range in the world goes into Venezuela’s southwestern part and bestow…

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Venezuela’s Natural Beauty: Región Capital Posted by on Mar 23, 2021

In unprecedented times like these, with lockdown and transportation restrictions making all kinds of travel very difficult for all, it is still a real challenge to just forgo being an avid tourist traversing the world in search of new places and adventures. So, it is my pleasure to use my blog to bring you closer…

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Spanish Vocabulary: Physical Geography Posted by on May 14, 2015

¡Buenas tardes! El martes pasado mencionamos el terremoto ocurrido en Nepal en la sección Spanish English Parallel Texts, y hoy repasaremos el vocabulario de geografía física para entender esta clase de noticias. ¿Puedes reconocer el nombre en inglés de estas palabras en español? Términos generales Planisferio. Relieve: It is originated by orogenesis (orogénesis), erosion (erosión) and sedimentation…

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Nationalities in Spanish Posted by on Feb 16, 2012

Knowing how to say where you’re from in a foreign language is very important, and so is understanding where someone is from. In this post we’ll learn some common countries or regions and nationalities in Spanish. África – africano(a) Alemania – alemán, alemana Argentina – argentino(a) Australia – australiano(a) Austria – austríaco(a) Bélgica – belga…

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Vocabulario: Accidentes geográficos Posted by on Sep 17, 2010

Hi, there! Let’s learn today some vocabulary related to geographical features en español. 1. el acantilado – cliff La tormenta arrojó el bote contra los acantilados. – The storm threw the boat against the cliffs. 2. el cañón – canyon Fuimos a visitar el Gran Cañón del Colorado el año pasado. – We went to…

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Gentilicios de España Posted by on Jul 31, 2009

Here are some gentilicios (demonyms: name of the inhabitants of a country, state or city) from Spain. They are used very frequently, and they it is not always easy to figure out what the city of origin is. Check them out! Salmantino, de Salamanca. Vallisoletano, de Valladolid. Vizcaíno, de Vizcaya Riojano, de La Rioja Jiennense…

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