Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: regions

Venezuela’s Natural Beauty: Región Sur Posted by on May 28, 2021

“Vastness” is one of the two best nouns anyone should use to describe Venezuela’s Región Sur (Southern Region), which encompasses Bolívar and Amazonas—its two largest states, surpassing 176,000 square miles, practically half of the country’s territory as a whole. The other word perfectly suited for the South (also known as Región Guayana) is “abundance”, as…

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Venezuela’s Natural Beauty: Región Oriental Posted by on Mar 31, 2021

“Oriente” in Venezuelan speak is still today synonymous with flavorful fish dishes, delicious musical rhythms, and holidays on the beaches of any of the five states constituting what is known as “Región Oriental”, lit. Eastern Region: Anzoátegui, Monagas, Sucre, Nueva Esparta and Delta Amacuro. This eco-region is recognized by its eye-catching coasts, relaxing spots, and…

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