Tag Archives: Spanish Vocabulary
The pronunciation of letter “ñ” in Spanish (Intermediate Listening Practice) Posted by Anais on Jul 29, 2022

The pronunciation of letter “ñ” in Spanish can be a little tricky for Spanish learners, especially if this sound is not present in their native language. This peculiar letter does not derive from Latin as some might think. Its origins date back to the 12th century, when monks used to copy books by hand in…
The Origin of Color Names in Spanish: Advance Listening Practice Posted by Anais on Jul 28, 2022

Have you ever wondered how they came up with color names in Spanish? Find out in today’s blog! Video transcription and translation Quizás nunca te lo habías planteado, pero el color es fascinante. You may never have thought about it, but color is fascinating. Cómo los rayos de luz rebotan en todo y…
¿Cuáles son las letras menos usadas del español? (Advanced Listening Practice) Posted by Anais on May 31, 2022

In today’s blog you will learn what the least frequently used letters in Spanish are, while practicing your listening skills. Listen to the video bellow and fill in the blanks in the video transcription. The answers can be found at the bottom of the page Transcription Tenemos 27 letras en el 1. _________ español…
Spanish Suffixes: Another Meeting Point for English and Spanish (Part 3) Posted by Anais on Jan 28, 2022

Welcome to the third and last part of my blog about suffixes in Spanish and English, where we will be finishing our linguistic tour by exploring five more of the most common suffixes in both languages. -idad English equivalent: -ity Usage: This suffix is used to change adjectives into nouns to describe something…
Spanish Suffixes: Another Meeting Point for English and Spanish (Part 2) Posted by Anais on Jan 24, 2022

In this second part of my blog dedicated to suffixes, we will check another four of the most recognizable particles shared by Spanish and English. It must be said that, at least in the case of one of them, there are obvious differences in the way they are used that make them worthy of careful…
A Guide to Interjections in Spanish (Part 2) Posted by Anais on Oct 29, 2021

Let’s get straight to the point and start the second part of my practical guide for interjections in the Spanish language by mentioning that, for many sounds, there could be a good amount of uses in a given speech, like for “¡ah!”, whose non-verbal meaning ranges from a sincere signal of understanding (“ah, ahora entiendo…
A Guide to Interjections in Spanish (Part 1) Posted by Anais on Oct 27, 2021

Ouch, argh, hmmm, great!… An interjection in any language could be defined as a word that happens almost instinctively during speech to convey a feeling or some kind of reaction before some kind of stimuli. We can thank interjections for the fact they make much easier for us to express emotions, a way of greeting…