Top 20 Spanish Blog Posts of 2020 (Part One) Posted by sasha on Dec 9, 2020 in Learning, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary
Este fue un año horrible (This was a horrible year). Let’s just go ahead and get that out of the way. 2020 gets a lot of hate, and for good reason. As we get ready for a new (and hopefully better year), let’s try to head into 2021 with a bit of positivity! For us here at the blog, that means looking back through the dozens of posts we shared to find which ones resonated the most with you, our amazing readers. I usually do a Top 10 list but decided to go big this year to bring you the “Top 20 Spanish Blog Posts of 2020!” I’ll share half of them today and the rest in a few weeks to close out the year.
The Neutral Accent in Spanish… Is It Real?
If you enjoy watching TV as a way to further your Spanish studies, you’re probably familiar with el acento neutro (the neutral accent). Anais wrote this informative post to explain exactly what this is and why it sounds nothing like the Spanish you hear spoken on the street!
9 Pairs of Spanish Words That are Easily Confused
Get ready for a good laugh with this post! I cover some Spanish words that are easily confused to help you avoid making embarrassing mistakes like saying “Estoy embarazada,” which actually means “I’m pregnant” and not “I’m embarrassed!”
One Spanish word that I’m sure most of us became familiar with in 2020 is la cuarentena (quarantine). I ended up getting stuck in Medellín during their strict lockdown back in March/April and wrote this post about the situation there.
Creative Ways to Practice Spanish with Social Distancing
Speaking of 2020 buzz words, distanciamiento social (social distancing) has been said more than any other this year. This has been a difficult year for language learners such as myself who typically love going out to meet people and practice. That’s why I love Karoly’s post with lots of great ideas for how to improve your Spanish while still being safe.
Advanced Spanish Listening Practice – When to Use the Spanish Word Lo
There’s no clear and simple translation of the Spanish word lo, which makes it very difficult for students to understand and use. Thankfully we have una buena maestra in Laura here on the blog, as she explains lo and its many uses.
el Salar de Uyuni: Un Lugar Increíble
Hay muchos lugares increíbles en América Latina (There are a lot of amazing places in Latin America). One of the most impressive places in the region I’ve visited is definitely el Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. Learn all about this special place in this post and be sure to put it on your bucket list!
Recipe of Venezuelan cachitos de jamón
I don’t know about you all, but I’ve definitely done more cooking this year than any other! It’s always good to get new recipes, and Anais shares one with you in this fun post. Learn how to make cachitos de jamón from Venezuela, which is a delicious brioche bread filled with ham.
How is Mexico Handling COVID-19?
In Mexico, they’ve used the phrase sana distancia to mean “social distancing,” but it more accurately translates to “healthy distancing.” The government came up with a clever way to promote this practice to children with the superhero Susana Distancia, a play on the phrase su sana distancia (your healthy distance). Karoly writes all about Mexico’s response to the pandemic in this informative post.
Advanced Spanish Listening Practice – Pedir and Preguntar
Both of the Spanish verbs pedir and preguntar can mean “to ask,” but they are used in different situations. Laura is here to help you figure it out in this advanced listening practice post. As she explains, preguntar means “to ask a question or to ask information” while pedir means “to ask for something or to request.”
Spanish Words of Foreign Origins: Latinismos
There are many words with foreign origins in Spanish. These are called extranjerismos and Anais has been writing about them all year here on the blog. In the first post of her informative series, she covers latinismos (words derived from Latin).
Looking back on that list, it’s great to see the interest shown in a wide variety of topics covered here on the blog. It’s nice that our readers enjoy a mix of grammar lessons, vocabulary lists, cultural tidbits, listening practice, and travel stories. We appreciate every click, share, and comment that you’ve given us this year. What were your favorite posts of 2020 here on the Spanish blog? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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