Vocabulary: backpacking in Europe or Latin America Posted by Adir on Sep 13, 2010 in Uncategorized
Hey, there!
If you have that adventurous and restless spirit of going around the world with only a backpack this is the post for you. Let’s learn some vocabulary that can be useful when you’re backpacking (or learn it just for the fun of it, really!).
1. cubremochilas – backpack covers
2. bolsas de plástico herméticas – sealed plastic bags
3. riñonera para llevar pegada a la piel – internal fanny pack
4. candado para la mochila – backpack padlock
5. toalla – towel
6. saco de dormir – sleeping bag
7. mosquitera – mosquito net
8. juego de cubiertos – cutlery set
9. pastillas para potabilizar el agua – water purifying tablets
10. pantalones largos desmontables – convertible cargo pants
11. cantimplora – canteen
12. cepillo de dientes plegable – portable tooth brush
13. parches antimosquitos – insect repellent patches
14. botiquín – first aid kit
15. pasta de dientes – toothpaste
16. linterna – flashlight
17. forro polar – fleece
18. camiseta – T-shirt
19. botas – boots
20. sandalias – sandals
21. calcetines – socks
22. peine – comb
Esto es todo por hoy, nos vemos prontito.

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