Swedish Syntax variations in main clauses Posted by Tibor on Mar 19, 2012 in Grammar
Fundament is the most important part of a sentence, i.e. the word that comes on the first place in a Swedish sentence. On the first place there can be 5 different types of clause elements.
1, Subjekt=Subject
2,Tidsadverbial, platsadverbial, sättsadverbial= Different kind of adverbs
3, Bisats=Subordinate clause
4, Objekt=Object
5, Fågeord=Interrogative words
6, Ingenthing=Nothing
Two important rules: -Verb is always in the second place. -If the subject is not part of the fundament than it comes on the third place. See examples 2-6.
Fundament | Verb 1 | Subjekt | Satsadverbial | Verb 2 | Objekt/predikativ | Adverbial |
1. Vi | har | inte | mjölk | hemma. | ||
2. Igår | hade | vi | inte | mjölk | hemma. | |
3. Om det är fint väder imorgon, | kan | vi | gå | ut. | ||
4. Bananen | äter | han | inte. | |||
5. Varför | har | du | inte | sagt | något | igår? |
6. | Har | vi | alltid/inte | mjölk | hemma? |

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