Björn Ranelid – thumbs up or thumbs down? Posted by jennie on Feb 29, 2012 in Culture
As all you faithful blog readers will know by now, both me and Marcus are huge fans of Melodifestivalen and we have written several posts about this important event throughout the years. Not so much this year though, despite this year’s final might be the most controversial yet. Why? Because one of the final 10 contestants are one of Sweden’s most famous authors, Björn Ranelid. He is as well known for his incredibly tanned face as for his own and unique – and self proclaimed – language, Ranelidskan. He is controversial, he is different and now he has created a massive debate by singing/speaking his way to the grande finale on March 11. The song is a combination between music and lyrics and it’s probably the most criticised entry ever. EVERYONE seem to hate this song, but still, it made the cut, won the public vote and will now compete again. Many of the fellow contestants are raging about this “nonsense” and the public has created a massive hate campaign that has made Björn Ranelid himself consider to withdraw from the contest. So, what’s all the fuzz about, then?
This, ladies and gentlemen:
Kärleken är ett mirakel som besegrar allt. Kärleken har världens största händer men den väger ingenting.
Kärleken färdas utan visum utan pass, i alla länder. Kärleken är en lekplats för barn.
Kärleken är den första atombomnen … är kärleken… detta under… detta mirakel
Ett mirakel som kallas kärleken, ett mirakel…
Ett mirakel som kallas kärleken, ett mirakel…
Kärleken är det största mirakeetl…
Kärleken, kärleken… detta under… detta under
Att leva är att simma från stranden jag… till stranden du… i havet vi.
Om kvinnan säger nej…till mannens säd i mer än 60 år… så dör mänskligheten ut.
Detta under… Detta mirakel. JA, SÅ ÄR DET!
Ett mirakel som kallas kärleken, ett mirakel…
Ett mirakel som kallas kärleken, ett mirakel…
Kärleken stavar aldrig fel… ett mirakel
Kärleken lutar… en aning som gammeldags skrivstil… ett mirakel
Ett mirakel som kallas kärleken, ett mirakel… ett mirakel… ett mirakel… Här är ett mirakel
Kärleken stavar aldrig fel… ett mirakel
Kärleken kärleken kärleken OJ OJ
Ett mirakel som kallas kärleken
Nu kommer kärleken, nu kommer armén, nu kommer soldaterna
HERREGUD…. Mirakel
I can’t say I particularly like the song, but I think it’s fascinating that one man – in entertainment! – can create so much hate and debate. It’s not any more controversial than for example Lordis death metal masks and all in all, it’s rather….harmless. Is it because he is very “un-Swedish”? Beacuse he is an author and authors should write books, not be on stage? ..
What do you reckon? How would Europe react to a bit of Björn representing Sweden in Eurovision Song Contest?

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Eric Swanson:
I think that the people who are harassing Bjorn should back off. The public voted his song to go to the finals. The Swedish people see through the envy that is motivating the attacks on him. This is janteloven at its worst.
In America this man would be considered a national treasure. Bjorn played professional football for Malmo FF; is a professor; has written over 30 books; sponsors and funds an annual and substantial literature prize to encourage young authors; danced in the dancing contest; put out a CD of Elvis songs; and is doing well in melodifestival with his partner, Ms Li. He is the oldest contestant and is still going strong. He is a true renaissance man!
People who can’t say anything nice about Bjorn ought to keep it to themselves and allow this man to enjoy life. He shows respect and tries to participate in as many aspects of culture as possible. It is a wonder that people don’t see him as a positive role model.
Well spoken. It’s amazing how many people simply can’t handle someone like Bjorn. I’m not a huge fan myself of his writing, but I can definitely see that the man is doing well and enjoying life – and we should let him do so.
It’s crazy and fun and might just be the right song for the time. I see Jedward are back from Eire, and the UK has chosen Engelbert Humpeldink, so maybe it’s the year of the novelty song?
Exactly my thought! If UK goes Engelbert, why not Björn for Sweden?
“In America this man would be considered a national treasure…??”
You must be kidding. He’s more like a “national joke”. He’d better stick with writing book. And the spray-on-tan didn’t help either.