Den blomstertid nu kommer… Posted by jennie on May 19, 2011 in Culture
As Swede living away from Sweden, I’m doing quite alright most part of the year. Whatever I crave for food-wise I can get at IKEA or various Swedish online shops, I go back home regularly to see my friends and family and since I work as a freelance journalist for Swedish magazines, most of my working days consist of communicating and writing in Sweden. But – of course there’s a but coming! – come mid May, the homesickness hit me like sledge hammer. Late spring in Sweden for me is a time filled with anticipation, celebrations and festivities – and a lovely scent of lilac lingering in the air wherever you go. Ask any Swedish family and I bet you a pack of salty liquorice that they have at least one confirmation/graduation/wedding to attend in May/June. And if you have children/siblings aged between 7-12, you also have the lovely skolavslutning (School ending) to look forward to. Skolavslutning is the last day at school before the long summer holiday and this is normally a big and tearful event for the parents. The children sing songs, read poems and perform with their classmates, usually scrubbed up and dressed in white. Some schools do it in the local curch, some do it in the town hall or outside in a field, it’s differs from school to school. But there’s one thing that most skolavslutningar in Sweden has in common, regardless of where or how or when: Almost veryone sing the beautiful hymn “Den blomstertid nu kommer”.
At the moment, I can’t listen to this hymn without welling up. It reminds of my school days, my childhood, of Sweden, of my little nephews who will be singing this hymn in a few weeks time and it takes me right back to that amazing feeling of anticipation, of a loooong summer holiday with absolutely no worries in the world.
Den blomstertid nu kommer
med lust och fägring stor
Nu nalkas ljuva sommar
då gräs och gröda gror
Med blid och lidlig värma
till allt som varit dött
Sig solens strålar närma
och allt blir åter fött
De fagra blomsterängar
och åkerns ädla säd
De rika örtersängar
och lundens gröna träd
De skola oss påminna
Guds storhets rikedom
att vi den nåd besinna
som räcker året om
Another Skolavslutning-favourite is “Idas sommarvisa” (Ida’s summersong), taken from Astrid Lindgren’s lovely books and tv-series about Emil i Lönneberga. If “Den blomstertid…” makes me well upp, oh boy this one make me cry my eyes out…
Du ska inte tro det blir sommar,
ifall inte nån sättar fart
på sommarn och gör lite somrigt,
då kommer blommorna snart.
Jag gör så att blommorna blommar,
jag gör hela kohagen grön.
Och nu så har sommaren kommit
för jag har just tagit bort snön.
Jag gör mycket vatten i bäcken
så där så det hoppar och far.
Jag gör fullt med svalor som flyger
och myggor som svalorna tar.
Jag gör löven nya på träden
och små fågelbon här och där.
Jag gör himlen vacker om kvällen
för jag gör den alldeles skär.
Och smultron det gör jag åt barna,
för det tycker jag dom kan få,
och andra små roliga saker
som passar när barna är små.
Och jag gör så roliga ställen
där barna kan springa omkring.
Då blir barna fulla med sommar
och bena blir fulla med spring
Yours sentimentally,
//Homesick Jennie

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Christina Pearce:
Ah, bless you Jennie! I am not surprised you are homesick at this time of year. It is my first experience of going from vårvinter to spring and it really is a beautiful season.
A great article and the second video is especially lovely with the flowers and little kittens 🙂 Stor kram, Christina
J. Eric:
So pleasant to think that grown women around the world are just little girls at heart who love the country of their birth.
Thanks so much for these! The Gothenburg Symphony played these two at their Nationaldagsfirande free concert in Slottsskogen last week, and I wanted to learn the lyrics to improve my Swedish. Well timed! 🙂