Swedish Language Blog

Liseberg 2010 Posted by on Nov 25, 2010 in Culture

So it was time for opening the Christmas market again already in november. It feels like Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. I wouldn´t have a problem with that as a child. And I love the market at Liseberg. But when I saw a Santa getting on the tram I almost fell off the seat the other day. And they are not kidding. The whole town is dressed into lightbulbs (glödlampor). I really hope they skip the blue lights along Avenyn this year. It felt like at a rave party.

It feels quite an ease for the mind and soul with lights on this time of the year. You get so addictive to it and to the so called cozyness factor (mysfaktor) that when everyting disappears in january it is dark, wet, cold and boring. On the other hand the end also means unwinding after Christmas stress. But let´s not run so fast forward in time. There are plenty of things coming on.

Lighting candles, cooking good food and going to parties where you drink Christmas mulled wine (glögg) til you get reflux, baking saffron bun (lucekatter), doing the Christmas decorations, buying presents, socilaize with friends and family on a daily basis and after all that…..I am so deserving a 2 weeks long holiday.

Welcome to Liseberg – Välkomna till Liseberg!


and to Ghost Castle Gasten … if you dare…

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  1. Nilla:

    Fyfan vad dålig din Engelska är!!
    SKÄMS på dig.. Kan du inte ens stava till CHRISTMAS, kan du väl vara snäll och låta bli att skämma ut oss andra Svenskar..
    Pinsamt som fan..

  2. chjska:

    Oh it looks so nice in the video,here in Romania it’s kinda the same with all those lights.I wish i was in Sweden cos i’m really inlove with Swe:D Jag önskar er all lycka.

  3. Judy:

    What’s with the spooky ending???

  4. Tibor:

    Hi Judy!

    I think you have missed the line under the video hehe

  5. Tibor:

    Hej Nilla din expert!

    Jag kanske stavar fel när jag är stressad. Det har du helt rätt i. Men om du är internetagro har jag något att rekommendera för dig.


    Sen kan du köpa dig boken Svenska Skrivregler. Där “engelska” och “svenska” stavas med små bokstäver och “fy fan” skriver man i två ord.

    Skäm inte ut oss andra svenskar med din dåliga stil…

  6. BM:

    I didn’t know that ‘Nilla’ was Swedish for ‘Troll’.


  7. Judy:

    Don’t complain about Tibor’s English mistakes! I appreciate the fact that the mistakes are in there — just like with my Swedish! And it’s ALWAYS still comprehensible. Besides, we are looking for IMPROVEMENT not PERFECTION!

    And, Tibor, I still don’t get the spooky hotel. Is this an advertisement for a hotel? I know I’m missing a joke or something!

  8. Tibor:

    Yes, Judy it is an add for Liseberg. There is a house with lots of spooky things for children and adults as well. When this guy shows up it is a kind of add in “the add” thing. I kind of liked the contrast. No one expects it. You know Christmas , silence, family, children, happiness, fun…Stereotypes in general and all of a sudden him. Makes sense?

  9. ipek:

    I really liked Liseberg,so much fun!!

  10. Kenia:

    Can’t wait to visit Gothenburg, and Liseberg mostly!