Pocket Top Ten – That´s what most Swedes read 2011 january Posted by Tibor on Jan 26, 2011 in Culture
Topplista 2011 januari
Do you know what the hottest books are in Sweden right now? Do you know what the most Swedes read at the moment? There was a few months ago when someone mailed me if I could recommend some Swedish books that are popular at the moment. Well, these are not all Swedish authors but it doesn´t make them less interesting. Not for Swedes at least. These are the ten most popular books right now. You can order them at cdon.com, or www.bokus.se, www.ordochbok.se, www.adlibris.com, and there is also info about the books. It is not on the list though but you can surely find the book called Blondie by Birgitta Andersson. The book is based on a true story. It is about a woman´s true faith and life. It is about things that most of us can´t even imagine. You´ll be sweating! So, if you aren´t in a top mood right now…read it some other time.
There are plenty of interesting books out there so you don´t have to go after this list. If you have a recommendation on a book that has made a deep impact on you or just simply find it amazing, please do share it with us. Did you guys know it by the way that Pocket books are an American invention, but it was revolutionized by Sweden in Europe? These books are very handy when you travel and you can easily recognize Swedes at airports reading pocket books. The days are getting longer in Sweden so the arrival of the sunny days is close. So another way to point out the Swede in a crowd is to look for people who turn their faces towards the sun. This is how I could ask for directions in Swedish in Barcelona, hehe.
Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret … – Jonas Jonasson 404 pages 75 SEK
Igelkottens elegans – Muriel Barbery 345 pages 75 SEK
Utrensning – Sofi Oksanen 362 pages 77 SEK (Tibor´s choice)
Lyckan, kärleken och meningen med livet – Elizabeth Gilbert 344 pages 75 SEK
Postcard killers – Marklund & Patterson 366 pages 75 SEK
Alfahannen – Katarina Wennstam 366 pages 77 SEK
Gamla Stan-morden – Lars-Bill Lundholm 438 pages 75 SEK
Vyssan Lull – Karin Gerhardsen 295 pages 77 SEK
Hoppas du trifs bra i fengelset – Susanna Alakoski 342 pages 77 SEK
Jorden de ärvde – Björn af Kleen 344 pages 77 SEK

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As far as I know you can’t actually buy anything at http://www.pocketshop.se, which is a bit annoying since it’s such a great shop.
Anyway, this post made me want to go get some new swedish pocket books, I’m almost done with the ones I have.
And you are so right. I saw it on tv last year that someone said that they had been working on it. It is a pity that they haven´t fixed it yet since other websites sell them. I have updated the post so you can buy the books at several sites. Hopefully!
Thanks for the update with the different sites, I didn’t know about Ord och Bok and they ship to Brazil!
Even though it was quite a few years ago I read it I remember it made a great impact on me and was my favourite book for quite a time. The book is called “Någon annanstans” and is written by author Gabrielle Zevin. Highly recommended!
Thanks guys for the inputs. Leticia! That is really great that they ship to Brazil. Now you know your source so you can be updated. Otherwise it is always good to check out Pocket´s website for info on books.
I haven´t read the book, I´ll look for it. Personal experiences make me get more interested in things. Like reading a book. Thank you!
Thanks for this post, I love books, but ordering foreign language books from abroad can be expensive what with exchange rates and postage costs. I just bought a Kindle from Amazon and thought I might be able to download foreign language books onto it which would be easier than ordering books from abroad, but unfortunately I don’t think there are many Swedish books available for Kindle at all. What a shame!
Hi Alison!
I would recommend http://www.kurslitt.se/gratis_bocker_akademien.php
there are some Swedish books for free on this site in pdf. By clicking on the books you´ll come directly to svenskaakademien.se where you can find most of them. Another option is e-bibliotek.se where you can download books for a fee. The book will disappear after 30 days from you computer. You can also find audio books here. Elib.se is also a web for e-books and audio books, but as you said it can cost money. Some Swedish libraries have also available books online.
Thanks Tibor, that is most useful to know. I will definitely be checking out those links!
Just an update on WHERE to buy the books…
I found two online stores will ship anywhere – even to Barcelona!
(Links included)
Nordic Books Online
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