Stoppa Sverigedemokraterna! Posted by Tibor on Sep 9, 2010 in Uncategorized
There is 9 days to go until the election day but you can already leave your votes at different locations all around the country. It has been quite a rising of extreme right-winged parties all over Europe. Extremism is not my thing. Left or right it doesn´t matter. Spreading hate is the last thing we need on a continent that has suffered many many wars. People just never learn. How can they still fall for 1930s propaganda?
On the 27 th of August a commercial of Sverigedemokraterna started to circulate on youtube (Sverigedemokraternas valreklam). One of the Swedish channels TV4 has refused to show their commercial since they considered the film as hateful. The director of the TV-channel Jan Scherman said that the commercial is not only in conflict with Swedish law but it contains racial agitation. Since this statement a lot of journalists and poltitians have spoken out on this issue informating people about the Swedish Democrats background as party with nazy roots in Swedish policy and talking about that it wasn´t so long time ago when the members of the party changed their brown uniform to ties, suits and skirts and started to use a more friendly tone. The aim of the Swedish Democrats -among many other things- must have been to get their commercial banned. The reason for that is to be able to highlight statements that Sweden is not a democratic country and we have no freedom of speech.
Johan Norberg columnist at Metro writes today that this is the exact way to make a party of discontent to a victim and martyr.
The commercial in my opinion is striving for effects and it is simply a playing to the gallery. I really thought that it was some kind of sketch at first. I couldn´t really believe it that they are really serious about this. I have to admit that I really dislike this commercial just as it is, because it is fatuous, tasteless and mindless, but on the other hand I think we have to dare to discuss things like this openly. So, if you want to give your support against Swedish Democrats; talk to people and make a stand against the party and also give a thumb up to the title of this article on facebook.

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Magnus A:
Norberg’s article is mostly fantasy and lack of knowledge, despite references that however doesn’t claim much, or anything, of what Norberg says.
“Johan Norberg — The King og Fantasy”, my response in Swedish:
Hi Magnus,
I think that you have missed the point of the post. It is about SD not Norberg
Magnus Andersson:
Tibor. My article discusses things about SD that Norberg mention in his article, so you’re wrong that I’m not discuss SD.
What Norberg says about SD is completely wrong. I explain this with reference to relevant sources — partly the sources Norberg mention. Since I explain Norberg’s errors I criticize him, that’s not possible to avoid.
I can give Norberg, or you, 250 kronor for each picture in these books of an SD meeting where anyone wore a Nazi uniform — or Nazi clothes — which Norberg says SD had before 1996. This isn’t true due to the books Norberg mention, so Norberg han’t looked after facts!
No one in these books claims that there was Nazi uniforms in SD. Norberg claims this with referenses to these books. Norberg is nut!
One exception that I wont pay you 250 kronor for is a photo of a woman which left SD for a Nazi party, and in protest wore a nazi uniform.
Have a nice day!
PS. Anyway, there was lots of SD members with ties to the Nazi organizations, although most often not at the same time as they were members in SD. Some SD people was radicals and made a few hail greetings at parties etc. Not at SD meetings.
Swedes want to talk about immigration and the media and its opposition have been reluctant to do so. Well, guess what? The voters have spoken and given Sverigedemokraterna parliament seats, so now you will have to hear them. Immigrants coming to Sweden should assimilate into the society not change it.