Tag Archives: elections
Still no government in Sweden Posted by Tibor on Nov 12, 2018

The 25 September voted most of the Swedish parliament (Riksdagen) against Stefan Löfvén the sitting prime minister (statsminister) from the Socialdemocratic party. The most recent elections was held on 9/9 where the turn out was very close between the right and the left block: Alliance coalition between: (Moderate Party, Liberals, Center, Christian Democrats) 40,2 % Red-green…
15 Swedish Vocabulary Words for the American Election Posted by Marcus Cederström on Nov 8, 2016

You may have heard that there is an election today. Millions of people across the United States will be voting for representatives, senators, ballot measures, new laws, all kinds of things. And President. They will also be voting on who should be President for the next four years. The election process is a little different…
Stoppa Sverigedemokraterna! Posted by Tibor on Sep 9, 2010
There is 9 days to go until the election day but you can already leave your votes at different locations all around the country. It has been quite a rising of extreme right-winged parties all over Europe. Extremism is not my thing. Left or right it doesn´t matter. Spreading hate is the last thing we…