Swedish Language Blog

Swede of the week: Anton Hysén Posted by on Mar 10, 2011 in Culture

A footballer is all over the news in Sweden at the moment and believe it ot not, it is not Milan-star Zlatan Ibrahimovich. Instead, all light is shining on Anton Hysén this week, a 20 year old player in the second division, the son of former Liverpool and Fiorentina legend Glenn Hysén and brother of ex Sunderland striker Tobias Hysén. And why has Anton made the headlines? Has he scored some unbelievably amazing goal? No. Has he been sold for billions to Barcelona? Nope. The simple reason why Anton is everywhere this week is that he’s made something that no other professional male footballer in Sweden ever has done before. Ever. Anton has openly declared his homosexuality. He chose the Swedish football magazine Offside to come out and the media interest and support for the 20-year old has been massive! Most of it has been very positive and for the majority up there, Anton is hailed as a hero and a rule model. It’s just so incredibly sad that  his brave decision might have a damaging affect on his career – in the year 2011, in open minded and accepting Sweden:

”There are many people who can’t handle homosexuals. And there are racists who can’t handle immigrants. It may happen that a club shows interest and then the trainer finds out that I am gay and they change their mind. But that is their problem, not mine,” he told Offside.

The Swedish Football Association are now hoping that more gay footballers would be encouraged to talk openly about their sexuality and that more will follow in his footsteps.  Surely, Anton Hysén can’t be the only one among  the thousands of Swedish professional football players during the past 86 years? Or, as he puts it himself:

“It’s mental. It’s so f***ed up. Where are all the others?”

Read journalist Simon Bank’s column about Anton Hysén here.

Photo credit: Peter Widing/Office

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  1. Letícia:

    Wow, that’s great and very brave of him. I hope that starts a trend, because it really IS mental how much homophobia there is in the world of football. It’s sad to imagine how many men must be living in fear, having to keep it a secret when they should be proud of who they are.

  2. Jennie:

    I know, incredibly brave! I really hope so too, it’s definitely a world that need more people like Anton. Asked my fiance – who is big into his football and british – if he could think of any openly gay players, and the only one he could think of ended up commiting suicide… Let’s cross our fingers for a trend – and for Måns as well!! No signs of the little man yet?? x

  3. Letícia:

    Fingers crossed! I hope he stays strong. 🙂

    As for Måns, let’s hope this little guy finds his way! I even called the post office asking what’s going on with the service in my postal area; they said they’re investigating. Like you said, let’s keep our fingers crossed for that as well! x