Swedish Language Blog

Sweden – the 10th most attractive country Posted by on Apr 21, 2010 in Culture

Sweden-lovers, what do we make of this:
According to Anholt-GfK Nation Brands Index (NBI), which measures the global image of 50 countries in terms of attractiveness and qualities, Sweden in the 10th most attractive country in the world. At first, being number 10 sounded pretty good in my ears, but hmm… I’m not so sure. Especially if you look into the areas where Sweden score crap points. Apparently, The NBI study looks at six key areas: Governance, People, Business, Tourism, Culture and Talent Magnet.  Sweden’s worst categories was… can you guess? The first was tourism. According to the study, this is mainly because Sweden isn’t “rich in historical buildings and monuments” (we haven’t got any Eiffel Tower) and that many still think of Sweden as a cold, dark and gloomy place.  The second category was culture. I thought Swedish culture was a big thing out there with the “Millennium”-fever, our rapidly growing status as country of fashion and our extremely talented music producers who work with the biggest name in the industry. But of course, this is not enough to outshine ABBA, Roxette, IKEA, Alfred Nobel and Ingmar Bergman. In other words, Sweden is  living on past glories and not looked upon as particularly interesting culture-wise.

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get a bit bored of this old dated image of Sweden as a dark place where even the polar bears are suicidal and ABBA is king. Surely, we must have more than that to offer? Okay, we did score excellent marks for important things like government and responsibility towards helping reduce poverty in the world, so it’s far from all doom and gloom. But that’s not going to change people’s view on Sweden, is it? That’s more something of a well known fact.

So what about helping us a bit here? You probably know Sweden better than us. What are Sweden best assets? Places, people, pickled whatever – anything goes as long as it’s something not mentioned above. And while you are at it, what to you make of the rest of the list?

The 10 most attractive countries in the world, according to NBI:

1. USA (7)
2. France (2)
3. Germany (1)
4. UK (3)
5. Japan(5)
6. Italy (6)
7. Canada (4)
8. Switzerland (8)
9. Australia (9)
10. Sweden (10) and Spain (10)

Brief summary of Sweden’s NBI ranking:

• Overall standing: Joint 10th place togehter with Spain
• Best category: 3rd place for Governance
• Best issues: 2nd place for “Open, tolerant society”* and “Behaves responsibly to help reduce world poverty”*
• Worst category: 14th place for Tourism and Culture
• Worst issue: 21st place for “This country is rich in historical buildings and monuments”

Is Turning Torso in Malmö worth putting on a postcard?
Foto: Johnér, Image Bank Sweden.se

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  1. Betty:

    How about as far as culture goes.. Movies like Arn and Arn2.. I am American and I loved them both.. They easily were of Hollywood quality.

    Also Midsummer celebrations.. Best parties I have ever been too.. And how can a land where Vikings once ruled be considered non historical! I think that is just Outrageous. I have seen many beautiful churches here that outdated the Good old(sarcasm) USA by a landslide..

  2. Paloma:

    The best of Sweden, by a Spanish girl glad to share the 10th position with the wonderful Sweden:

    -Supermarket (organic products)
    -Snow (really a lot!!! :D)
    -Bikes (everywhere!)
    -People (really really nice and friendly)
    -Bureaucracy (it’s fast and it works)
    -Trains (a lot of them and quite cheap)
    -Many beautiful “small” cities (Lund, Karlskrona and so on)
    -Nature everywhere
    -And much more! 🙂

  3. david:

    Paloma said it. There’s is not much to add. Pretty much all reasons for which I’m here. I really feel home and free more than everywhere else before.
    Very strange ranking I must say.

  4. Ankan:

    What do they mean, lack of historical buildings? I spent 10 days in Goteborg, visiting a museum and a couple of cathedrals every day and I’m still not finished! As Betty said, the land of the Vikings has a lot more history to offer than the 200-odd years of American history. And what about the castles and fortresses, and the mythology (the world would be such a sad place utan tomtar…) And yes, the friendliness and neatness… And I could go on and on 🙂

  5. Omar:

    Turning Torso is worth putting on my wallpaper. 😉

  6. Luke (Sydney):

    I think I will go to Switzerland now…just kidding.

  7. Lora Blonde:

    As a Canadian girl researching countries I would love to live, Sweden is first on my list. Your country is stunning, the people friendly and the lifestyle attractive. We in Canada often look to your country for inspiration when it comes to living on alternative energy sources, conservation and your health care system.
    One day I will visit your lovely country, with any luck I will stay.