Swedish numbers 1-100 Posted by Tibor on Apr 7, 2010 in Swedish Language
0 | noll | [nɔl:] |
1 | Ett | [et:] |
2 | Två | [tvo:] |
3 | Tre | [tre:] |
4 | Fyra | [fy:ra] |
5 | Fem | [fem] |
6 | Sex | [Sek:s] |
7 | Sju | [ɧu:] |
8 | Åtta | [ɔtta] |
9 | Nio | [ni:ʊ] |
10 | Tio | [ti:ʊ] |
11 | Elva | [elva] |
12 | Tolv | [tɔlv] |
13 | Tretton | [trettɔn] |
14 | Fjorton | [fju:ʈɔn] |
15 | Femton | [femtɔn] |
16 | Sexton | [sekstɔn] |
17 | Sjutton | [ɧɵttɔn] |
18 | Arton | [aʈɔn] |
19 | Nitton | [nittɔn] |
20 | Tjugo | [ɕʉ̟:gɔ] |
21 | Tjugoett | [ɕʉ̟:gɔet:] |
22 | Tjugotvå | [ɕʉ̟:gɔtvo:] |
30 | Trettio | [trettiʊ] |
40 | Fyrtio | [fʏʈiʊ] |
50 | Femtio | [femtiʊ] |
60 | Sextio | [sekstiʊ] |
70 | Sjuttio | [ɧɵttiʊ] |
71 | Sjuttioett | [ɧɵttiʊet:] |
79 | Sjuttionio | [ɧɵttiʊni:ʊ] |
80 | Åttio | [ɔttiʊ] |
81 | Åttioett | [ɔttiʊet:] |
89 | Åttionio | [ɔttiʊtvo] |
90 | Nittio | [nittiʊ] |
91 | Nittioett | [nittiʊet:] |
99 | Nittionio | [nittiʊni ʊ] |
100 | Hundra | [hɵndra] |
Note: In some of the IPA-examples you may find alternative signs like: e or ɛ ,
In this example I have marked short o-vowels and Swedish å-vowels with the same sign because it is the same sound: ɔ or o. Note that there are long variants aswell.
: means long vowel or consonant
Special Swedish sounds:
tj-sound– tjena, tjäna, Tjörn, tjej or tjack please compare it with schack with sj-sound. Schack is an exception and it is never pronounced with German sch like in schwartz or English sh like in shoot.
sch-sound German sch or English sh for example in Gulasch, dusch ( there is also a pronunciation variant with sj-sound in this case). Many older Swedes pronunce choklad, chans and charmig for example with sch- pronunciation, even many dialects. However, many people from the younger generation choose to pronounce these words with the popular lyranx-sound as you guys can see in the next example.
sj-sound (lyranx) – sju, sjal, sjunga, sjysst (also: schysst). The spelling of Sj-sound has no special rules in Swedish it follows tradition and sometimes original spelling of loan words. genre, skjorta, chans, choklad, charmig dusch, motion, station. Please also note that there are dialectal differences in pronunciation, but even individuals can change between the different variants of the words both in written and spoken language. So don’t be worry if your pronunciation is not perfect. These sounds are very close to each other and people will perfectly understand you.
Retroflex sounds: rn, rt, rs, rl- barn (ba:ɳ), fort (fʊʈ) , kors (kɔʂ) *, Karl (Ka:ɭ). Please note that the pronunciation of n, t, l, and s is not exactly the same that you would expect. R partly assimilates in these combinations and creates a modificated sound.
* note that retroflex sounds can also appear between two words in spoken language when people speak fast: Jag kommer sen. I am coming later. But most of the time people say: Jag kommer sen. (with English s-sound) or Han frågar sig varför. He is asking himself why.
y-sound yr, yrke, fy, ty. This sound is the hardest vowel to hear for a foreign ear. I would recommend that you train it with short words like ty, fy, My, sy, because you don´t have other sounds blocking the flow of the pronunciation (the way of the air coming out of your mouth if you like). If you can pronounce the Swedish letter u, you could also try to train the combination uj which might be the closest to the y-sound. Try it at home several times when no one is listening ;-).

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Tack, Tibor. One of the more valuable posts in the language category because you address pronunciation. The IPA transcriptions are very helpful.
Luke (Sydney):
I think I have found the root of English numbers.
For the life of me, I can’t get 20 right… I’ve just pretended those 10 numbers don’t exist…
Perhaps one could add that rd is also retroflex, so that “bord” (table) is pronounced with a retroflex d.
In the everyday language, the pronunciation of certain numbers is sometimes changed. Hence words like trettio, femtio etc. are often pronounced “tretti, femti” etc. The word “fyrtio” is almost always pronounced as “förti”.
Similarly for “tjugo”, which is often pronounced “tjuge”, “tjugi” or “tjugu”. In compounds, one even finds a further reduction, so that “tjugotvå” often is pronounced “tjutvå”.
Thank you guys for your inputs!
David has mad a very useful comment about the numbers. Thank you!
Thank you guys for your inputs!
David has made a very useful comment about the numbers. Thank you!
Please fix pronunciation for 89. It is for 82 at the moment..
This helped a lot in my exams and homework, finally got the hold of the numbers!
tack. ett-hundra