Tag Archives: swedish literature
Swedish Literary Bad Boy, August Strindberg Posted by Chelsea B on Nov 20, 2020

Renowned Swedish dramatist and literary bad boy August Strindberg is one of the greatest contributors to modern Swedish literature. This week, we’ll learn a little bit about the Strindberg legacy, what’s behind his tormented artist persona, and read one of his poems, “Högsommar i vinter.” August Strindberg (1849-1912) was a författare (writer), dramatiker (dramatist), and…
10 Reasons to Love Pippi! Posted by Chelsea B on May 20, 2020

“Tjolahopp tjolahej tjolahoppsansa!” Här kommer Pippi Långstrump! Astrid Lindgren’s beloved character Pippi Longstocking turns 75 this year. First published in 1945, Pippi Långstrump was an instant hit in Sweden and since then, the work has been translated into 92 languages. This exceptional figure has inspired children, AND adults alike, all over the world. I adore…
Highlighting Swedish Poet Karin Boye Posted by Chelsea B on Mar 10, 2020

International Women’s Day on March 8 always makes me think about revolutionary women. Writer Karin Boye is on the top of my list of Swedish trailblazers, recognized as one of the most influential contributors to modern Swedish literature. Known for pushing the boundaries, and raising confronting questions of self-discovery, she brought forth many undiscussed narratives…
Swedish Crime Fiction – Easy Money Posted by Marcus Cederström on Apr 13, 2012
I’m not a big fan of Swedish crime novels. They feel too formulaic to me. It starts with murder. Then you’ve got your detective. He (and he usually is a he) tends to have a pretty severe drinking problem. He tends to have problems with women. He tends to be half feared and half respected…