Vocabulary for the Thai family is a bit more complicated than it is in the western family. The additional complications come from knowing who is older and who is younger, and know of which side of the family (mother’s/father’s side) everyone is on. Also note that it’s common to call unrelated people Aunt and Uncle in certain situations. I’ve drawn up a chart at the end to help you visualize the connections.
Father พ่อ paw3
Mother แม่ mae3
Parents พ่อแม่ paw3 mae3
Husband สามี saa5 mee1
Wife ภรรยา pan1 ra1 yaa1
Husband (informal) ผัว puwa1
Wife (informal) เมีย mia1
Child ลูก luuk3
Son ลูกชาย luuk3 chai1
Daughter ลูกสาว luuk3 sao5
Sister (older) พี่สาว pee3 sao5
Brother (older) พี่ชาย pee3 chai1
Sister (younger) น้องสาว nong4 sao5
Brother (younger) น้องชาย nong4 chai1
Siblings พี่น้อง pee3 nong4
Cousin ลูกพี่ลูกน้อง luuk3 pee3 luuk3 nong4
Grandfather (father’s side) ปู่ buu2
Grandmother (father’s side) ย่า yaa3
Grandfather (mother’s side) ตา dtaa1
Grandmother (mother’s side) ยาย yai1
Fathers younger siblings อา aa1
Mothers younger siblings น้า naa4
Aunt (older sister of parents) ป้า bpaa3
Uncle (older brother of parents) ลุง lung1
Relative by marriage to your brother/sister *สะใภ้ sa1 pai4 (see chart)
My favorite is ‘pee sa pai’ because it always reminds me of ‘pizza pie’ . . . yum!

Jeeya Dhakate:
I am gonna try learning all the words.