Arabic Language Blog

Archive for February, 2018

A listening task: Liverpool Arab Art festival (2) Posted by on Feb 28, 2018

Last week, we looked at a listening task regarding the Liverpool Arab Art festival. This week, we’re going to look at the answer. You can also find a list of the most important words and phrases that are mentioned in the video clip. This is a link to the video clip. (The link is a…

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Arabic Nominal Sentence: The Predicate Posted by on Feb 27, 2018

In an earlier post, you learned that the nominal sentence الجُمْلَة الاِسْمِيَّة gets it name from the word with which it starts—a noun اِسْم. It has two parts the subject or topic المُبْتَدَأ and the predicate الخَبَر. The first is derived from اِبْتَدَأ ‘to start with’ and the second from خَبَرَ ‘to tells something about…

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How to Order and Make Suggestions in Arabic (2) Posted by on Feb 22, 2018

In a previous post, I showed how to give orders/instructions in Arabic. We almost always use the imperative form of the verb الفِعْلُ الأَمْر which is derived from the present form of the 3rd person singular masculine. This post focuses on conjugating the imperative form with the 2nd person singular feminine, dual, and plural. Also…

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A listening task: Liverpool Arab Art festival (1) Posted by on Feb 21, 2018

Our comprehension task for today is about an amazing, annual سنوي cultural eventحدث ثقافي  that takes place in the city of Liverpool, England every year in the Summer. It’s the Liverpool Arab Art Festival مهرجان ليفربول للفنون والثقافة العربية  (Mahrajaan  Liverpool  lil-funoon  wa  a-thaqaafa  al-ʕarabiya)   Below is a short video clip of the last…

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Basic Sentence Structure in Arabic (IV) Posted by on Feb 20, 2018

In a previous post, you learned about the types of sentence in Arabic. It is either nominal اِسْمِيَّة or verbal فِعْلِيَّة. The nominal must start with a noun called the subject/topic مُبْتَدأ. It is called مُبْتَدَأ because it is the focus of the sentence. Other words that follow (or may precede) state something about it…

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20 Common Arabic Idiomatic Expressions Posted by on Feb 15, 2018

Like most world languages, Arabic has idiomatic expressions تَعْبِيْرَات اِصْطِلاحِيَّة that cannot be understood literally; therefore, they are a source of difficulty for both native- and non-native-speakers. Even if one knows the meaning of individual words in the expression, the meaning of the phrase can still be confusing. This post includes 20 common such expressions…

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‘Real love, lasts long, baby’ – ‘الحب الحقيقي بيعيش يا حبيبي’ Posted by on Feb 14, 2018

It’s valentine’s day عيد الحب! On this occasion, today’s post is dedicated to a song أغنية called ‘Real Love’ by the Egyptian singer: Mohammed Fouad محمد فؤاد  The song (see clip below) was released in 1998 and it is in Egyptian Arabic. It’s considered one go Mohammed’s Fouad’s classics and one that Is still probably…

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