Archive for March, 2018
Listening comprehension, women1 Posted by aziza on Mar 12, 2018

In this post, I present the answers of the listening comprehension exercise on the most important issues that Arab women face. The report is from Al-Jazeera. English Questions and Answers: What does a quick look at the situation of Arab women show? A quick look at the situation of Arab women show that there…
Listening Comprehension, Women Posted by aziza on Mar 12, 2018

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on the most important issues that Arab women face. The report is from Al-Jazeera. Listen the report and answer the questions that follow. You can use the words at the end of the post to facilitate your comprehension. Answer the following questions in English: What does…
Basic Arabic Conversations Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Mar 8, 2018

The primary goal of learning another language is communication, that is being able to use it in real-life communicative settings (i.e. in a restaurant, a hotel, a shop, when meeting someone new, and so forth). This post includes a list of the common Arabic conversational exchanges. Though I disfavor transliteration (because I view it as…
Egyptian Arabic Proverbs and their equivalent in Libyan Arabic (1) Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Mar 7, 2018

In today’s and next week’s posts, we’re going to focus on four proverbs حكم – آقوال in Egyptian Arabic اللهجة المصرية, which are probably familiar معروفة – متداولة to many Arabic learners, and we’re going to learn about their equivalent مرادف in Libyan Arabic, a somewhat less popular dialect. What these three proverbs have in…
50 English Words of Arabic Origin Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Mar 6, 2018

The influence of Arabic on some European languages was due to the Arab conquest of Spain, Portugal, and parts of France. Also, for over six centuries, Arabic culture was highly prestigious which added to this linguistic influence. Hundreds of words in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English are borrowed from Arabic. Some of these words have…