Arabic Language Blog

Archive for July, 2020

Traditional Arabic Dessert: Zalabya زلابيا Posted by on Jul 31, 2020

Today, I would like to share with you the recipe of Zalabya/ Zalabyeh وصفة الزلابيا, a traditional Arabic dessert نوع من الحلويات العربية التقليدية that is known across the Arabic world, but specifically in North Africa where it’s also called Zlabya. It can be considered a type of sweet pastry نوع من المعجّنات حلوة المذاق…

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Letter of the Week (ه) haa Posted by on Jul 29, 2020

Moving on to our twenty sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet (ه), we will look at various words beginning with (ه) along with more culture/language related facts. Let’s begin with looking at your four different forms of the letter ه. Initial هـ‎, as in the word “هَواء” meaning “air”. Medial ـهـ‎ ‍, as in the…

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Two Arabic proverbs about Food Posted by on Jul 27, 2020

This post focuses on two very popular proverbs مثلين مشهورين جدًا  in spoken Arabic. Both are related to the topic of food  موضوع الطعام. The intended meaning of both of them is positive إيجابي. While one is a prayer دعوة/أمنية  to the “eater”, the other is considered an advice نصيحة. Below, a detailed explanation of…

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Letter of the Week (ن) noon Posted by on Jul 22, 2020

Moving on to our twenty fifth letter of the Arabic alphabet (ن), we will look at various words beginning with (ن) along with more culture/language related facts. Let’s begin with looking at your basic forms of the letter ن. Initial نـ‎, as in the word “نافِذة” meaning “window”. Medial ـنـ‎ ‍, as in the word…

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Listening Test: A Syrian refugee (2) Posted by on Jul 20, 2020

refugees by the sea

Welcome to the second part of this blog. It’s a listening test based on a story about Joelle – a Syrian refugee, who migrated هاجرت  to Australia with her family to settle there. Last time, we listened to and studied the first half of the audio clip of the story. Today, we’re going to listen…

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Letter of the Week (م) meem Posted by on Jul 15, 2020

Moving on to our twenty fourth letter of the Arabic alphabet (م), we will look at various words and phrases beginning with (م) along with more culture/language related facts. Let’s begin with looking at your basic forms of the letter م. Initial مـ‎, as in the word “مَلْح” meaning “salt”. Medial ـمـ‎ ‍, as in…

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Listening Test: A Syrian refugee (1) Posted by on Jul 13, 2020

Today, I have a listening opportunity for our advanced Arabic learners who are keen to improve their comprehension & listening skills. In today’s post, I chose a story about a Syrian refugee لاجئة سورية – Joelle – who left Syria in 2011 and moved with her family to Beirut and eventually settled استقرّت in Sydney…

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