Hepta: the seven stages of love Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Feb 15, 2021 in Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Salaam Arabic learners السلام عليكم يا متعلّمي اللغة العربية 🙂 Yesterday – the 14th. Feb – was Valentines Day عيد الحب. This reminded me of a romantic Egyptian movie فيلم مصري رومانسي titled بعنوان: Hebta: the final lecture هيبتا: المحاضرة الأخيرة. In this post, we’re going to learn the lyrics of the theme song of the movie حكاية واحدة One story, performed by the Egyptian singer: Donia Samir Ghanem. For our blog readers who would like to improve their Egyptian Arabic, this is useful, authentic language material that I hope you’ll benefit from.
The movie (هيبتا (2016 is based on a novel, by Mohamed Sadeq. It details the seven stages of love مراحل الحب السبع that most relationships أغلب العلاقات goes through, by focusing on 4 different love stories.
*You will have a chance to learn more about the movie in the second part of this blog post (check this space soon).
Let’s now listen to the song and learn the lyrics >>
كلمات الأغنية*
بنتقابل، وتيجى عيونا فى عيون بعض
We meet, and our eyes meet
ونتكلم، نلاقي إن احنا نشبه بعض
And we talk, we find that we are similar to each other
نحس بحاجه مش فاهمين تفاصيلها
We feel something, we do not understand its details
وأجمل لحظه فى الحدوته أوّلها
And the most beautiful moment of the story is its beginning
وبعد شويا نتجرأ ونعملها
And after a while we dare and do it
ونفتح يوم قلوبنا لبعض
And we open our hearts to each other
= = = = = =
ونتصارح وإحساسنا بيقلب حب
And we open up to each other honestly and our feelings turn into love
وفى ثواني نعيش اتنين بنفس القلب
And in seconds, we live as two people with one heart
نعيش فى حكايه أحلى مما نتصور
We live a story more beautiful than we can ever imagine
ويبدأ حبنا يكبر ويتطور
And our love starts to get bigger and grow
وبعد شويه إحساسنا بيتغير
And after a while, our feeling changes
وفجأة السهل بيكون صعب
And suddenly the easy thing becomes difficult
= = = = = =
نتخانق وكل حقيقه بتبان
We fight and every truth becomes apparent
ونتعاتب عتاب ملوش لا لون ولا طعم
And we blame each other, a tasteless and colourless blame
تاخدنا الدنيا من أشواقنا لجروحنا
Life takes us away from our passions towards wounds
ونبعد حبّه تخرج روحنا من روحنا
And we get away for a bit and our souls become separated
نحس ساعتها إن البعد ريحنا
We feel then that the separation put us at ease
ونتعود ولا نهتم
And we get used to it and stop caring
= = = = = =
قلوبنا في الهوا نصيبها
Our hearts in love, its share
حكايه واحده متشابهه
is a one similar story
لكن نهايتها مختلفه
but its ending is different
وأصل الحب ده رحله
Love is basically a journey
وبيه دنيتنا بيه تحلى
And with it, our life becomes sweet
قدرنا أصله مش صدفه
It is our fate, not a coincidence
= = = = = =
Stay tuned for the 2 coming posts to know more about the movie 😉
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Excellent teaching approach. Could you please share any video ie-karaoke version with lyric (c/with reading+ speaking marker-fathah/dhammah/kasrah etc ). I believe learning language from song is effective -song is a universal language)..
@Mohammed Hi Mohammed. Thanks for passing by. I usually add diacritics or include an audio file as it’s not always practical to add diacritics especially that such a post is mainly for advanced learners and it’s a specific dialect. If you know the alphabets, you should be able to follow the song (that’s why I attached it) and so diatritis won’t be as essential.