Do you like sardines? I certainly do. I cook them in a very easy way!

Sardines by arvi.mench
Sardines (سردين)
Chilli peppers (فلفل حار)
Very thinly chopped potato (بطاطس)
Olive oil (زيت زيتون)
Lemon juice (عصير ليمون)
Garlic (ثوم)
Cumin (كمون)
Salt (ملح)
wash the sardines
Chop the garlic very thinly and mix it with lemon juice, cumin and salt. (If you have a mortar or a suitable chopper, you can use it to chop the garlic)
Marinate the sardines in the mixture.
Oil the base of an oven tray.
Put the sardines on the base of the tray
Put the chopped potato around and between the sardines
Put some chilli around and between the sardines if required
Sprinkle olive oil salt and cumin on top of everything. You can also add some drops of lemon juice if you need.
Cook in the oven until golden in color
Use medium heat! It will not take a long time to cook anyway!
After it is ready, it should be served hot with rice and green salad!