Arabic Language Blog

Abdul Aziz Al-Kusi: 1906 – 1992 Posted by on Apr 29, 2012 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary

     Abdel Aziz Al-Kusi was a great Egyptian psychologist عـالـِـم نـقــس and is considered the Dean of  the Arabic Psychology عـَـمـيــد عـِـلـم الـنـفــس الـعـربـى . He got the highest honours in Egypt and represented his country at UNESCO. He also was a member of so many specialised national councils and was the founder مـُـؤسـّــس of new departments at higher education institutions.

    Al-Kusi was born in 1906 inKous, a small town in Upper Egyptto a deep-rooted family with a very good reputation سـُـمـْـعـَـة . He memorized the Holy Quran when he was young . He finished his basic education in Asuit and then high school. After that, he moved to Cairo and joined the High School of Teachers مـدرسـة الـمـُـعـَـلـمـيـن الـعـُـلـيـَــا . Al-Kusi achievd the highest rank among his colleagues so that the ministry of education sent him to U.K. for higher studies. He got his first degree in Psychology from the University of Birmingham, U.K. in 1932, then a Master Degree and then a PhD in 1934. In his doctoral dissertation, he discovered what is called the Factor of Space Perception عـَـامــِـل إدراك الـمـَــكــان . His research was published by theUniversity ofEdinburgh in 1934 and was the base for the efforts of so many other great psychologists and psychological tests.

     Al-Kusi built a theory نـظـريــة on forming the mental abilities that is based on three dimensions;

1) The basic content الـمـَـضـمـُــون الأسـَـاســى ,

2) The function الـوظـيـفــة

3) The shape الـشــكــل .

Al-Kusi named his theory the ‘Three Dimensions Theory نـظــريــة الأبـعــاد الـثــلاثــة ‘. He presented his theory inParis in a conference that was attended by some famous psychologists like Guilford and Thurstone who acknowledged his work.

     Al-Kusi was the first Arab to use the term of  “Mental Health الـصـحــة الـنـفـســيــة ” and wrote a book called “Foundations of Mental Health أسـُـس الـصـحــة الـنـفـســيـــة ” that is still considered a principal resource. Al-Kusi died on 27th April 1992.


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Peace  ســَـــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.


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