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Abo-Bakr Al-Razi Posted by on Aug 26, 2012 in Arabic Language, Culture, Uncategorized, Vocabulary

       Google celebrated today the birthday of the greatest physician all over the human history. Abo-Bakr Muhammad bin Yahya bin Zakariyah Al-Razi أبــُــو بــَــكــْــر مــُــحــَــمــَّــد بــِــن يــَــحــيــى بــِــن زكــريــا الــرَّازى is a Muslim Persian physician طــبــيــب , scientist عـَــالــِـم and philosopher فــيــلــســوف . He was the most prominent figure in Islamic Golden Age الــعــَــصــْــر الإســلامــى الــذهــبـــى. He wrote his most famous book “Al-Haawi الــحــاوى”  and gathered in it all the medical knowledge from the Greek times up till 925. This book remained the main medical reference inEurope for 400 years after that date. All his writings are marked by originality of research and reasonable thinking. He made many discoveries and inventions and wrote more than 200 books and articles in different fields.

      Razi was born in the city of Rey  الــرِّى that falls on the Silk Road near Tehran. Razi thought that students should learn the medicine craft مــِــهــْــنــَـــة in big crowded cities where many diseases do exist. That is why he moved to Baghdad to learn Medicine. After that, he went back to his birth place to manage the Hospital of Al-Rey. There, he wrote his two books; “Al-Mansouri in Medicine الــمــمــنــصــورى فـى الــطــب” and “The Spiritual Medicine الــطــب الــروحــانــى“. Both books complete each other as the first one deals with the body diseases أمــراض الــجــســم and the second deals with those of the soul الــروح . Then, he went back toBaghdad where he managed the newly established hospital that was built by the ruler ofBaghdad.

      At the time of Razi, the physician was a philosopher and philosophy was like the scale that things are measured by. Razi was a strong believer and supporter of Socrates’ philosophy. He was known to have been a free-thinking philosopher. Moreover, he was well-marked in the music theory. He also had many contributions إســهــامــات to Physics الــفــيــزيــاء and studied acids الأحماض and liquids الــســوائــل intensively. In Alchemy الــكــيــمــيــاء , he divided all materials into four main categories and subcategories for each. He also, discovered many new medicines. The religious books and views of Razi seemed to cause a lot of debate as he denied a lot of roots and stable teachings of Islam though he did not deny the existence of Allah. His religious and philosophical views were later criticized by Persian Islamic philosophers.

      Razi died in 923. At Present, some institutions were named after him in Tehran to commemorate his name and the “Razi Day” or “Pharmacy Day” is celebrated every year in Iran on August 27.


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Peace  ســـلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.