Arabic Language Blog

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Arabic is Among Top Spoken Languages in U.S. After Spanish! Posted by on Apr 19, 2012

Es-Salamu Aleykum, my friends!  Anyone who harbored any doubts as to why one would have to learn or improve their Arabic must read today’s brand new تقريـــــــــر (report): According to today’s MarketWatch, a report from Language Line Services, the world’s largest provider of language services, reveals that between Q1 2011 and Q1 2012, Arabic proved to be among the top spoken languages in الولايـــــــــــات المُتَّحـــــــــــدة الأمريــــــــــــكية (the United…

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Top 20 *Must-Know* Arabic Adverbs of Time Posted by on Apr 18, 2012

How do you say in Arabic “today“, “tomorrow“, “tonight“, “sometimes“, “now“, “never“, “forever“, etc.? If you want to be really fluent in Arabic, then there’s no question about it my friend: You absolutely should learn عن ظهــــــــــر قـــــلــب (by heart) the following “Must-Know” Arabic adverbs of time! Every فِعْــــــــــل (verb) must occur in a given زَمَــــــــــــــــان (time) and a given…

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New “Arabic Twitter” To Bring “Arab Spring 2.0”? Posted by on Apr 17, 2012

If you’ve never used Twitter before, maybe it’s time for you to open a new account—in Arabic! Gulf News has revealed today some news that is likely to cheer up all of you who love Arabic in general, and who enjoy to learn Arabic in particular: After the phenomenal growth of Facebook in Arabic, and barely weeks…

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العيـــــــــن مرآة النَّفــــــــــس (The Eye is the Mirror of the Soul) Posted by on Apr 13, 2012

« The eye is the true outrider and faithful guide of the soul; it is the soul’s well-polished mirror, by means of which it comprehends all truths, attains all qualities, and understands all sensible phenomena. It is a well-known saying that hearing of a thing is not like seeing it; this was already remarked by Poleron, the master…

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The Arabic Art of Speaking with the Eyes Posted by on Apr 10, 2012

Tongues have their language. But الأعيـــــــــن (the eyes) are endowed with their own kind of language as well. Whatever اللِّســــــــــان (the tongue) is denied to express through plain words, the eye is at liberty to convey with the utmost ease, subtlety, and, yes, even eloquence! To help us decipher the cryptic language of the eyes, we turn to…

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Arabic Dubbed Cartoons: Thunder Jet Posted by on Apr 2, 2012

Rarely have Arabic-dubbed cartoons receive all the praise they deserve: More than a simple work of translation from their original Japanese version, they were also a perfect educational vehicle to improve العربيـــــــــــــــة الفُصحَـــــــــى (Classical Arabic) for at least two generations of kids and young adults, from Dubai to Casablanca! The Arabic Blog is therefore attempting to repair this little injustice by occasionally introducing you to the…

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Surprise! The New Funniest Arab-Speaking Comedian is—Korean! Posted by on Mar 28, 2012

My friends, if you were under the impression that you would never have a fighting chance at mastering Arabic, lest it be your Mother tongue, then you may wish to reconsider that thought once you’ve seen this! Please, brace yourself to meet وُنهـــــــــــــــــو تشونـــــــــــــــغ (Wonho Chung), a never-seen-before Korean comedian. Yes, “Korean comedian”, you got that…

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