Archive for 'Literature'
Song: And my eyes are wide awake وعيوني سهارى Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Dec 13, 2021

Today’s post is about a song from Libyan Folklore. It’s called وَعْيُوني سَهًارى, which means ‘And my eyes are wide awake’. The version of the song we’re studying today is a ‘modernised’ version نُسْخَة حَدِيثَة of the older version of the song, which was performed by a Libyan singer, called Salaam Qadri سلام قدري. The…
Song: ‘We love you بِنْحِبِّكْ’ *Egypt مَصْرْ* Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Oct 4, 2021

Today, I would like to share with you a patriotic song. أغنية وطنية, by the iconic Syrian singer – Assala Nasri أصالة نصري. The song is in Egyptian Arabic and was released last summer. Apart from the fact that most Arabs love Egypt, Assala has a special bond with Egypt as she has settled in…
Keywords around libraries المكتبات Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Sep 6, 2021

Welcome to this new blog post مرحبا بكم في هذه المدوّنة جديدة 🙂 Today, we’re going to learn about the theme of libraries المكتبات and some of the keywords المفردات الرئيسية around them – in Standard Arabic العربية الفصحى. The post will be vocabulary focused. A library مَكْتَبَة As may of you…
Arabic proverbs about Cats! Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Aug 9, 2021

Welcome to a new post مرحبا بكم في مدوّنة جديدة! Yesterday was the National Cat Day يوم القطط العالمي . On this occasion, and due to that fact that I’m a big cat fan ;), I dedicate today’s blog post to talk about some popular Arabic proverbs (in Standard & Vernacular Arabic) that use cats…