Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

A new year’s song in Arabic: ‘El-ʕaam il-jideed’ “العام الجديد” Posted by on Dec 27, 2017

The new year is fast approaching, so I would like to wish all of you a happy new year 😊 On this occasion, I would like to introduce you to a very lovely song (see the video clip below) about the new year’s eve, by two very popular Arab singers; Sherine Ahmed شيرين أحمد (Egyptian)…

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Christmas around the World1 Posted by on Dec 26, 2017

This post presents the answers of the listening comprehension exercise based on a video on how Christmas this year is celebrated around the world. The video is from Al-Jazeera Channel. English Questions and Answers: Where does Santa Clause arrive in his bus? Santa Clause bus arrives at Brazilian the town of Santo Andre. What did…

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Christmas around the World Posted by on Dec 25, 2017

Season’s Greetings! This post presents a listening comprehension exercise based on a video on how Christmas this year is celebrated around the world. The video is from Al-Jazeera Channel. Please watch the video and answer the questions that follow. You can use the additional vocabulary list to assist your comprehension. Answer the following questions in…

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Arabic Greetings Posted by on Dec 22, 2017

What can I say on special occasions? There are lots of special occasions that require greetings in them. The greeting you use for a birthday party would be different from the one you use in Christmas, for example. In this post, I give you some occasions and possible greetings in them, and also the replies…

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Two Arabic proverbs with a sarcastic meaning Posted by on Dec 20, 2017

To follow on last week’s theme, today we’re looking at two other proverbs with a similar meaning. As we will see below, both proverbs are used (with a subtle difference that we will learn about below) ironically to indicate that it’s too late for someone to do something. The first proverb is: دخول الحمام ……

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Two interesting Arabic proverbs about marriage Posted by on Dec 13, 2017

Proverb is one of the fun ways you can learn about more a language and the culture of its users. Today, we’re going to look at two interesting proverbs أمثال (شعبيه) – حِكَم  from the Arabic heritage. Both of them are linked to marriage but in two very interesting ways! Proverbs have an important role…

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Traditional Drinks from different parts of the Arab world (2) Posted by on Dec 6, 2017

In the previous (first) part of the post, we looked at four different hot drinks often consumed in the Arab world. In this post, we’re going to focus on four other drinks, but it is cold drinks المشروبات البارده (Al-mashroobaat  al-baared-ah) rather than hot drinks this time. These are: apricot juice, almond drink, Roselle drink…

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