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Archive for 'Culture'

Women’s jobs, answers Posted by on Aug 28, 2016

This post presents the answers of the reading comprehension exercise presented earlier.  أغرب 10 مهن في حياة المصريات لم يعد عمل المرأة في مصر يقتصر على الأعمال الخفيفة أو المنزلية أو الوظائف الحكومية والقطاع الخاص فقط، لكنها امتدت لتشارك الرجل في العديد من المهن الشاقة والتي كان الرجل يحتكرها. في مصر فقط بين دول المنطقة…

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Reading, women’s jobs in Egypt Posted by on Aug 26, 2016

This post presents a reading comprehension exercise on the topic of women’s jobs in Egypt. The article is adapted from Al-Arabiya news website. Read the article and answer the questions that follow. The vocabulary list at the end will help your comprehension. أغرب 10 مهن في حياة المصريات لم يعد عمل المرأة في مصر يقتصر…

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Listening on Mostaghanemi, answers Posted by on Aug 21, 2016

In this post, I present the answers of the listening comprehension exercise presented earlier on Ahlem Mostaghanemi. English Questions and Answers: How many copies of the novel were sold in Sharjah? More than 5000 copies  of the novel were sold in Sharjah. Where did Ahlem Mostaghanemi head after leaving Sharjah? Ahlem Mostaghanemi headed for Beirut after Sharjah…

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Sing with Fairouz: I Am For My Lover Posted by on Aug 21, 2016

Marhaba! Can you ever get enough of Fairouz? Well, I can’t. I can listen to her songs every day and I never seem to get bored of the same songs. I know many of you Arabic lovers adore her songs, her beautiful voice, and the deep meaning behind most song lyrics. Today, I want to…

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Listening on Mostaghanemi Posted by on Aug 19, 2016

Listen to the news report and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary list at the end to facilitate your comprehension.  The questions cover the first 90 seconds. Answer the following questions in English: How many copies of the novel were sold in Sharjah? Where did Ahlem Mostaghanmi head after leaving Sharjah?…

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Ahlem Mosteghanemi Posted by on Aug 15, 2016

Ahlem Mosteghanemi (أحلام مستغانمي‎‎), is an Algerian writer who has been called “the world’s best-known arabophone woman novelist” Ahlem was born in Tunis. She is the daughter of a militant political activist who was forced into exile during the Algerian liberation war. In the wake of independence, her family moved back to Algeria, where her…

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Chicken Shawarma in the oven Posted by on Aug 14, 2016

I tried this recipe of chicken shawarma, and I found it fantastic. I recommend that you try it. If you don’t have all the spices, use the ones you have. I have tried it with various spices and I loved the result in all instances. Follow the video and read the ingredients below and enjoy!…

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