Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Opera Aida; by Verdi Posted by on Nov 18, 2015

    Ahlan, Arabic fans! Probably, most of you have heard of Verdi’s famous masterpiece “Opera Aida أوبــرا عــايــدة” but does anyone know the story behind that great epic opera? Well, in 1869, The Suez Canal was opened with huge celebrations by Isma’il Pasha who was the Khedive of Egypt at the time. In the…

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Is Syria’s History Beyond Saving? Posted by on Nov 17, 2015

Marhaba! In the past I have discussed the effects of the ongoing war in Syria on the country’s most important world renowned historical sites. A year later and it seems the situation is not getting any better. Today I am sharing parts of a news article that I came across about the latest attacks on…

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From Beirut to Paris to Baghdad to Damascus…the recurring nightmare Posted by on Nov 14, 2015

Marhaba! What’s happening to the world? News of violence, crime, and hatred are flooding internet websites, Facebook posts, political talk shows, TV stations, and many other social media outlets. Day in and day out, we wake up to devastating news from almost every Arab capital in the Middle East and North Africa and just recently…

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“You Are The Boss”; Saad Lamjarred Posted by on Nov 12, 2015

   Ahlan, Arabic fans! Today I am sharing a beautiful Arabic song by the Moroccan Saad Lmjarred. The song has achieved unsurpassed Arab World Record as it is approaching the 200 million views on Youtube. The Arabic CNN has written an article about the song. Also, Your Middle East has done the same and even…

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Learn the 13 Spookiest Words about Halloween in Arabic (2) Posted by on Oct 31, 2015

Marhaba! Hope you all enjoyed solving the fun and interesting Arabic crossword puzzle on Halloween! You might be wondering why I chose 13 spookiest words and not 10 or 12 or any other number? The simple answer is that number 13 is a lucky number to some but an unlucky to others. So, in order…

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Learn the 13 Spookiest Words about Halloween in Arabic Posted by on Oct 27, 2015

Marhaba! In the past I have shared how many Arabs, especially in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, celebrate Halloween every year! It’s a fun celebration rooted to some in pagan rituals and to others in religious ones. All in all, it’s that time of the year where supermarkets in North America and Europe (and some places…

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Indulge Yourself in This Perfect Autumn Salad Posted by on Oct 24, 2015

Marhaba! Do you love Autumn? Well, I do. I always love Autumn recipes. Whether it is preparing pumpkin Kibbeh, pumpkin soup or a dozen other dishes, I enjoy cooking from different Autumn recipes. Today I am sharing a recipe that my wife and I use almost twice a week every single year during Autumn. We…

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