Arabic Language Blog

Every Year, You are my LOVE ! Posted by on Dec 30, 2011 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary

Every Year, You are my LOVE !

     Happy New Year, everyone. The new year is at the door. May all your wishes come true. Today, I present this beautiful song أغنية   of  the famous Iraqi singer; Kazim  Al-Sahir كاظم الساهر . The song was written by the great Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani نزار قباني .

 كـُـلُّ عـَـامٍ وأنتِ حـَـبـيـبـتــي 

Every year, you are my Love

كـُـلُّ عـَـامٍ وأنــا حـَـبـيـبــُــكِ

Every year, I am your Love

آهٍ يـَـا سـَـيـّـدتـِـي لـَـو كـانَ الأمـْــرُ بـيـَـدِي

Oh, my Lady, If it were my choice

إذاً لـَـصـَــنــَــعـــتُ سـَــنــَــة ً لـكــِي وَحـْــدَكِ 

I would create a year for you 

تــُـفـــَـصــِّــلـيــنَ أيــَّــامــَـهــَــا كـمـَـا تــُـريــديــن  

To distribute its days as you like 

وتــُـســنــِـديــنَ ظــَــهــْـرَكِ عـلـى أسـَــابـيــعـِـهــَــا كـمَـا تــُريـديــن 

And to lean your back to its weeks as you like  

وتــتــشــمـَّـســِـي … وتــَـرقــُـصــِـي … وتــَـركــُــضـِـين 

And to sun .. to dance .. and run 

عـلـى رمـَــالِ شــُـهــُـورِهــَــا كـمَـا تــُـريــديـــن

On the sand of its months as you like 

كــُــلُّ عـَــامٍ وأنـتــِـي حـَـبـيـبـتـِـي

Every year, you are my Love 

أقــُـولــُـهــَــا لكي عـلـى طــريـقــتــِــي  

I say it my way

رافــِــضــًا كــُــلَّ الـعــِـبــَــاراتِ الــكــِــلاســيــكــيــّــةِ الـتـي  

Rejecting all the classic sentences that 

يـُــردّدهــَــا الــرّجــَــالُ عـلـى مَـسـَــامـِــع الـنــِّــســَــاءِ  

Men repeat in the ears of women 

كـُـلُّ عـَـامٍ وأنتِ حـَـبـيـبـتــي .. حـَـبـيـبـتــي 

Every year, you are my Love .. my Love 

سَــوفَ لــَـنْ نــَـشــتــري هــَــذا الـعــِـيــد شــجـــرة  

We will not buy a tree this year 

ســتــكــُــونــيــن أنـتــِــي الــشــَّــجــَــرَة 

You will be the Tree 

وســَـأعـَــلـــِّــقُ عــَــلــيــكِ أمـْــنــيـــَــاتـِـي  

And I will hang my wishes onto you

 ودعـَــوَاتــِــي .. وقــَــنــَـــادِيــلَ دُمـُــوعــِــي 

My prayers .. and the lights of my tears 

كــُــلُّ عـَــامٍ وأنـتــِـي حـَـبـيـبـتـِـي  

Every year, you are my Love 


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If you are interested in learning how to say I love you in Arabic, you can hear it said by a native speaker here.

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.