Tag Archives: arabic songs
A new Arabic hit song: لقيت الطبطه Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Sep 11, 2020

Welcome to a new blog – مرحبًا بكم في مدوّنة جديدة 😀. Today, I have a great Arabic song for you to listen to and study. The song is in Egyptian Arabic and it’s called لقيت الطبطبة or “I found love/support”. The song is performed by the iconic Emirati singer: Hussain Al-jassmi حسين الجسمي. As is usually…
Sing an Arabic Love Ballad with the King of Romance Posted by jesa on May 13, 2017

Marhaba! Today I want to introduce you to a famous Lebanese singer, Wael Kfoury (وائل كفوري)! He is a young and well-known voice in the Arabic-pop scene, and he is mostly known for his love ballads and is often called the king of romance. Wael first started his singing career in the mid-1990s and has…
Celebrate Mother’s Day with a Beautiful Arabic Song Posted by jesa on Mar 21, 2017

Marhaba! As I have discussed in earlier posts, Mother’s Day is celebrated on March 21st across the Arab world. It coincides with the beginning of the Spring season. In the past, I have shared Marcel Khalife’s beautiful ballad, ‘To My Mother,’ and I have also shared 10 beautiful quotes for mother’s day in Arabic! Today…
“Habibty”; Amr Diab Posted by Fisal on Dec 21, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful song by Amr Diab عــَـــمــْـــرو دِيــَـــاب . The song is entitled “حبيبتي /Habibty/” which translates as “My Beloved”. Like all of Amr’s songs, the song is in the Egyptian slang Arabic (Cairene Arabic). The song “Habibty” is number six in the album “أحلى و أحلى /Ahla…
I Love Your Hands Posted by aziza on Oct 19, 2016
Faia Younan (فايا يونان ) is a 22 year old Syrian singer who uses her art to talk about her country and about the situation in all Arab countries. She is originally from Aleppo (حلب), and though she studied economics, her love for singing drove her to create a YouTube channel for herself and launch her…
Remember – Kazim Al-Sahir Posted by Fisal on Mar 6, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, I am presenting a beautiful but sad song by the Iraqi famous singer Kazim Al-Sahir كــاظــم الــســَّــاهــِــر. The song is entitled “Remember تــذكــَّــر” which is a scream that aims to awaken humanity and its conscience against all the tragedies happening to all the oppressed and the prejudiced especially the innocent…
“I Am All Yours”; Sherine Posted by Fisal on Feb 13, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic fans! Tomorrow is the 14th. Of February so Happy Valentine’s Day! On this occasion, I am presenting a beautiful love song by the Egyptian singer Sherine Abdel-Wahhab شــيــريــن عــبــد الــوهــاب. The song is entitled “أنــا كــُــلــِّــي مــِــلــكــَــك /Ana Kolli Melkak/” which translates literally as “I Am All Yours”. Nearly all Sherine’s…