Arabic Language Blog

Remember – Kazim Al-Sahir Posted by on Mar 6, 2016 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation, Vocabulary

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, I am presenting a beautiful but sad song by the Iraqi famous singer Kazim Al-Sahir كــاظــم الــســَّــاهــِــر. The song is entitled “Remember تــذكــَّــر” which is a scream that aims to awaken humanity and its conscience against all the tragedies happening to all the oppressed and the prejudiced especially the innocent children who suffer greatly everywhere whether in Iraq, Syria or Palestine.

    The writer of the song is the Iraqi music teacher and poet Kareem Oudah (Al-Iraqi) (كــريــم عــُــودة (الــعــراقــي. Kareem taught music to young children at the Iraqi schools and wrote the song originally for the Iraqi children but the song applies to all war victims everywhere. The song is in MSA (Fus’ha). Despite the sad tone, the poet has a glimpse of hope and rebirth. I did the English translation and I hope you will like the song. At the end of the post, you will find another two versions of the poem; one by the original poet Kareem and another performance by Kazim and some children of the TV Arabic program; The Voice Kids. Enjoy!



تــذكــَّــر كــُــلــَّــمــَـا صــلــيــتَ لــيــلاً

Remember whenever you pray at night

مــلايــيــن تــلــوكُ الــصــَّــخــرَ خــُــبــزاً

Millions who chew rocks as their bread

عــلــى جــســر الــجــراحِ مــَــشــَــتْ وتــمــشــي

On the wounds bridge, they walked and are still

وتــلــبــسُ جــلــدهــا وتــمــوتُ عــِــزّاً 

Dressed in their skin and dying in pride

تــذكــَّــر قــبــل أنْ تــغــفــوا عــلــى أي وســَــادةٍ 

Remember before you nap on any pillow

أيــنــامُ الــلــيــلَ مــَــنْ ذبــحــُــوا بــلادَه 

How can he sleep he whose country was slaughtered?

أنــا إنْ مــِــتُّ عــزيــزاً ، إنــَّــمــا مــوتــي وِلادَة

I if proudly die, my death is just a birth

تــذكــَّــر .. تــذكــَّــر

Remember .. Remember

قــلــبــي عــلــى جــُــرحِ الــمــلائــِــكــَــة الــنــوارس

Oh, my heart (is crying) at the wound of the gull angels

إنــِّــي أرَاهــُــم عــائــِــديــن مــِــنَ الــمــَــدارِس 

I see them back from schools

بــَــاســَــتْ جــَــبــيــنــَــهــُــم الــمــَــآذِنُ والــكــَــنــائــِــسُ

With foreheads kissed by minarets (mosques) and churches

كــَــتــبــُــوا لــكــُــم هــذا الــنــّــداء:

They wrote you that call:

وطــنــي جــَــريــحٌ خــلــفَ قــُــضــْــبــَــانِ الــحــِــصــَــار

My homeland is wounded behind the bars of siege

فــي كــُــلّ يــَــومِ يــســقــُــطُ الــعــشــرات مــِــنْ أطــفــالــِــنــَــا

Everyday tens of our children fall

إلــى مــتــى ..إلــى مــتــى هــذا الــدمــار

So, for how long .. For how long will this ruin last?

جــَــفــَّــتْ ضــمــائــرهــُــم .. جــَــفــَّــتْ ضــمــائــرهــُــم

Their conscience has dried up .. their conscience has dried up

مــَــا هــَــزَّهــُــم هــذا الــنــداء

They are not moved by this call!

رَقــَّــتْ لــهُ حــتــّـى مــلائــكــةُ الــســَّــمــَــاء

Even the sky angels have sympathized with it

جــَــفــَّــتْ ضــَــمــائــِــرهــُــم .. ومــَــا جــَــفــَّــتْ دُمــُــوعُ الأبــْــريــَــاء 

Their conscience has dried up but not the tears of the innocent.


Check us back Soon!

Peace ســَـــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.