In my previous post, I presented some Arabic idioms that express similaritهثس with animals. In this post, I present other expressions that express similarities with other elements of natures. These expressions are not the only ones that exist, but they are commonly used in speech and writing. Please note that each one of these expressions can be expressed using (كـ) instead of (مثل), because they both serve the same function. So, we can say (بارد مثل الثلج) or (بارد كالثلج).
جميلة مثل القمر
Beautiful as the moon
قوي مثل الجبل
Strong as a mountaian
هادر مثل الرعد
Noisy as thunder
عميق مثل البحر/البئر
Deep as the sea/well
بعيد مثل السماء
Far away as the sky
طويل مثل الزمان
Long/old as time
كبير مثل البحر
Large as the sea
بارد مثل الثلج
Cold as ice
ساخن/حار مثل النار
Hot as fire
غالٍ مثل الذهب
Expensive as gold
رخيص مثل التراب
Cheap as a dust
أسود مثل الليل
Black as the night
أبيض مثل الحليب
white as milk
ابنته جميلة مثل القمر.
الطقس بارد مثل الثلج.
شعرها أسود مثل الليل.