Do you like fried sardines? I do, but I do not like the cleaning part! Here is the Egyptian way of preparing fried sardines.
Fried sardines are nice, but before you fry sardines, you have to clean them thoroughly. This involves opening up the sardine and removing the guts. You also have to remove all the scales. Then, you also need to marinate the sardines and cover them in flour. Here is how to prepare it:

Sardines by Andrea Nguyen on
Sardines (سردين)
Chilli pepper (فلفل حار)
Lemon juice (عصير ليمون)
Garlic (ثوم)
Cumin (كمون)
Salt (ملح)
Flour (دقيق)
Wash the sardines, and remove the scales and guts.
Chop the garlic and chilli pepper very finely and mix it with lemon juice, cumin and salt. (If you have a mortar or a suitable chopper, you can use it to chop the garlic and pepper)
Marinate the sardines in the mixture.
Heat some frying oil
Cover the sardines in flour and fry them on both sides, until golden in colour.
You can sprinkle cumin powder and lemon juice on top of the fried sardines for better flavour, if desired.

Sardines by Michelle Bono on
Fried sardines should be served hot with rice and green salad!