How to Write a CV in Arabic Posted by Hichem on Mar 21, 2012 in Arabic Language, Culture
Prominently highlighting your Arabic skills on your CV can be very good for a relevant language-related job.
But you know what?
Sending along an Arabic version of your سيـــــــــرَة ذاتِيَـــــــــــــــــة (CV) is actually even more impressive!
Since there are plenty of websites and resources that show you how to write a good résumé in English in terms of its شـــــكل (form), today’s post will focus on its Arabic مَضْمُـــــــون (content.)
Whether you are applying to become a teacher at an elementary school, or a top manager in a Sovereign Wealth Fund, there is always a must-have set of information details to be displayed on your CV:
- المعلومــــــــات الشَّخصيــــــــــــة (Personal information):
- الإســــــم (Name)
- اللَّقب العائلـــــــي (Family Name)
- البريد الإلكترونــــــــي (Email Address)
- رقــــم الجـــــــــــوَّال (Mobile Number)
- رقــــم الهاتـــــف (Phone Number)
- عنوان الإقـــــــامـــــــة (Residence Address)
- تاريـــــــــــخ ومكـــــــان الميــــــــلاد (Date and Place of Birth)
- الجنسيـــــــــة (Nationality)
- الحــــــــالة الإجتمـــــــــاعيـــــــــة (Marital Status)
- أعزب (Single)
- متـــزوج (Married)
- منفصــــل (Separated)
- الشَّهـــــــــادات (Diplomae):
- دكتـــــــــــوراه (PhD)
- ماجستيــــــــر (Masters)
- ماجستيــــــــر العلـــــــوم (MS: Masters of Science)
- ماجستيــــــــر الفنـــــــون (MA: Masters of Art)
- ماجستيـــــر إدارة الأعمـــــــال (MBA: Masters of Business Administration)
- البكالوريـــــــــــوس (Bachelors), also known as:
- الأستــــــــاذيـــــــــــة (“Ustadhiya”, found in countries such as Tunisia. It is not to be confused with “Habilitation”, which is even higher than a PhD)
- الليســــــــــانس (“License”, such as in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt)
- الإجـــــــــــــــــــازة (“Idjazah”, in Syria for example)
- شهادة الدراســــــــــات المعمقــــــة (Equivalent of the French “DEA“: Diplôme d’études approfondies)
- مؤهِّلات وخِبـــــــــــــــرة مهنيـــــــــــــة (Qualifications and Professional Experience)
- درجـــــــة الإتقـــــــــــان (Fluency Level)
- عاليــــــــــة (Advanced)
- متوسِّطـــــــــة (Intermediary)
- ابتدائيــــــــــــة (Beginner)
- شخصيــــــــات مرجعيـــــــــــة (References):
- الإسم (Name)
- الوظيــــــفة (Position)
- العنوان (Address)
- البريد الإلكترونــــــــي (Email Address)
- رقــــم الهاتـــــف (Phone Number)
- “سيِّدي المُحترم أو سيِّدتــــي المحترمــــة” ≡ “Dear Sir or Madame“
- “[…] يُسعدنــــــــي كثيـــراً أن أتقدَّم بطلبي هذا لوظيـــــــــفة” ≡ “It is with great pleasure that I am applying for the position of […]”
- “[…] أو أيٍّ من الوظائــــف المتاحـــة التي تعتبرونهــــا مناسبـــــة لمؤهِّلاتي ولاختصاصـــي في مجــــال” ≡ “Or any of the available positions you deem fit for my qualifications and specialization in the field of […]”
- “[…] لقد استفدت كثيـــــراً من الدورة التربصية التي أجريتهـــــا في شركة […] خلال” ≡ “I have immensely benefited from the internship I conducted at the company […] during […]”
- “: إن طلبي هذا مرفــــق بنسخ عن الوثائق والشَّهادات التالية” ≡ “Attached to my application are copies of the following documents and diplomae:”
- “تفَضَّلُّـــــــوا بقبـــــــول فائق عبــــارات الإحترام والتقديـــــــر” ≡ “Please accept the assurances of my highest regards and considerations“
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khalil Ahmad Noori:
good CV writting guidence
thank you
I would like to ask for a help in writing resume in Arabic in professional way
Najib Ullah:
I want to learn arabic,,,