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Listening Comprehension Answers: Morocco Floods 2014 Posted by on Dec 11, 2014 in Arabic Language, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How did you do in the last Listening Comprehension Exercise about the 2014 Morocco Floods? Heavy rains hit the south-eastern part of Morocco on 24th November, 2014 causing some deaths and destruction of some villages and leaving another number homeless. That is what the news report is about in brief. In this post I am presenting the answers to the comprehension questions based on this news report. To view the listening comprehension exercise again, please click here.

الإجــابــات Answers

قــُــتــِــلَ ســبــعــة عــشــر شــخــصــاً فــي الــمــغــرب       

1) Seventeen Persons were killed in Morocco.

حــدث هــذا جــرَّاءَ ســيــول ، و فــيــضــانــات جــارفــة   

2) This happened because of torrents and sweeping floods.

تــمّ إجــلاءُ أربــعــيــن شــخــصــاً لأنَّ مــيــاه الأمــطــار حــاصــرتـــهـــم  

3) Forty persons were evacuated because they were trapped by rain water.

تــمّ إجــلاءُ هـــؤلاء الأشــخــاص فــى إقــلــيــم كــِــلــمــيـــم   

4) These people were evacuated in the Guelmim area.

مــا زالَ الــبــحــث جــاريــاً عــن ثــمــانــيــة عــشــر مــفــقــوداً  

5) Eighteen missing people are still being searched for.

ســبــب حــدوث هــذه الــفــيــضــانــات هــو الأمــطــار الــغــزيـــرة

6) The reason for these floods is the heavy rain.

نــتــيــجــة هــذه الــفــيــضــانــات هــى تــدمــيــر عــدد مــن الــقــُــرى و الــطــُــرُقـــات و الــقــنــاطــِــر  

7) The result of these floods is the destruction of a number of villages, roads and dams.

– مـُـــرادف (مــعــنــى) كــلــمــة : “جــرَّاءْ” هـــو “بــســبــب”  

– مـُـــرادف (مــعــنــى) كــلــمــة : “إجــلاءْ” هــو “إخــلاء”

– مـُـــرادف (مــعــنــى) كــلــمــة : “ضــحــايــا” هــو “قــتــلــى” ، “عــطــلــة”

– – مـُـــرادف (مــعــنــى) كــلــمــة : “عــطــلــة” هــو “أجـــازة”

8) – The synonym (meaning) of the word: “جــرَّاءْ” is “بــســبــب” (= because of)

– The synonym (meaning) of the word: “إجــلاءْ” is “إخــلاءْ” (= evacuation)

– The synonym (meaning) of the word: “ضــحــايــا” is “قــتــلــى” (= victims)

    – The synonym (meaning) of the word: “عــطــلــة” is “أجــازة” (= vacation)

– مــفــرد كــلــمــة : “ســيــول” هـــو “ســيــْــل”  

– مــفــرد كــلــمــة : “فــيــضــانــات” هــو “فــيــضـــان”

– مــفــرد كــلــمــة : “أوديــة” هــو “وادي”

– مــفــرد كــلــمــة : “قــُــرى” هــو “قــَــريــَــة”

9) – The singular of the word: “ســيــول” (= torrents) is “ســَــيــْــل

– The singular of the word: “فــيــضــانــات” (= floods) is “فــيــضــان

– The singular of the word: “أوديــة” (= valleys) is “وادي

– The singular of the word: “قــُــرى” (= villages) is “قــَــريــَــة

أكــمــِــل الــعــبــارة الآتــِــيـــة :

10) Complete the following sentences:

” وَ أدى تــســاقــُــط الأمــطــار الــغــزيــرة عــلــى عــدد مــن الــمــنــاطــق الــمــغــربــيــة خــلال عــطــلــة نــهــايــة الأســبــوع إلــى حــدوث فــيــضــانــات بــعــدد مــن الأوديــة و الأنــهــار خــصــوصــا فــى الــجــنــوب الــشــرقــي لــلــمــغــرب “

تــــَــرْجــَــمــة الـجــُــمـْــلــَــة إلـى اللـغــة الإنـجــلـيــزيـة :

11) Translation of the sentence into English:

“قــُـــتــِــلَ ســبــعــة عــشــر شــخــصــا فــي الــمــغــرب جــرَّاءَ ســيــول و فــيــضــانــات جــارفــة غــمــرت عــددا مــن الأقــالــيــم جــنــوبــي الــبــلاد ، بــيــنــمــا تــمَّ إجــلاءُ أربــعــيــن شــخــصــا حــاصــرتــهــُــم مــيــاهُ الأمــطــار فــي إقــلــيــم كـِــلــمــيــم”

“Seventeen persons were killed in Morocco because of torrents and severe floods that submerged a number of areas in the south of the country whereas forty persons who were trapped by rain water were evacuated at the Guelmim area.” 


Check us back Soon 

Peace  ســـَـــلام  /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal

Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.