Arabic Language Blog

Listening comprehension exercise Posted by on Jun 27, 2011 in Vocabulary

Please watch the video and answer the questions below:


1-      What is the title of the article mentioned in the report?( Write it or say it in Arabic and translate it into English.)

2-      Who undertook the study mentioned in the report?

3-      What was the basis of the study?

4-      How long did the study last?

5-       What are the effects of happiness mentioned in the report?
Useful words:

السعادة = happiness

الصحة  = health

النفسية = psychological

النجاح = success

جسدية = physical

دراسة = study

استناداً إلى  = based on

مسح  = survey

فترة من الزمن  = period of time

اكتشف  = disco vered

تحسن  = improvement

زيادة = increase

الدخل  = income



1-      The title is (السعادة مفتاح الصحة والنجاح). It means happiness is the key to health and success.

2-      The study was undertaken by German researchers.

3-      It was based on a British survey.

4-      It lasted 15 years.

5-      The effects of happiness include: improvement of physical health, success at work and increase of income.

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  1. MIKE:

    Another wonderful tool! I’m sure! Unfortunately, at this place in my Arabic skill level, the dialog is “way over my head!”
    However, even at this beginner level I can pick out various words here and there. I shall save the file, (as I do all files received) and use it in my toolbox as I progress toward the ultimate goal ” A degree of fluency, at least comprehension, in Arabic) Thank you

  2. barbara:

    these listening comprehension exercises are excellent! thank you so much!

    • aziza:

      @barbara Thank you very much for your comment Barbara! I really appreciate it! I will post one exercise every month.

  3. Sohib:

    god this what i was looking for like months.. please aziza where can i find the scripts of this video please help…i need it