Listen to the news item below and answer the questions that follow:
Use the following words to aid your understanding:
مناورات = maneuvers
عسكرية = military
إزالة = removal
الألغام = mines
المتفجرات = explosives
تقود = lead
البحرية الأمريكية = US marines
تهديد = threat
ضمان = ensure
حرية = freedom
الملاحة = navigation
مراقبين = observers
إغلاق = closure
مضيق = strait
Answer the following questions:
1- What is the aim of the military maneuvers?
2- Where do they take place?
3- Who leads the maneuvers?
4- How many countries take part in them? Give three examples.
5- What did the spokesman of the US marines say about the maneuvers?
6- How much of the world’s oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz?
7- How can the public follow the news of the maneuvers?
Come back again soon for the answers and the transcription of the news item.
shukran, lakin مضيق = strait