Listen to the news item below and answer the questions that follow:
Use the following words to aid your understanding:
نفط = oil
احتياطي النفط = oil reserve
العالمي = global
تستحوذ = own
الإمدادات = supplies
تستمر = continue
مستوى = level
إنتاج = production
أنجز = achieve
استثمار = investment
تكلفة = cost
مشاريع = projects
الغاز الطبيعي = natural gas
التكرير = refinement
القصوى = maximum
Answer the following questions:
1- What is the rank of Saudi Arabia in terms of the oil reserves it owns?
2- What is the percentage of oil reserves that Saudi Arabia owns?
3- How many years can Saudi Arabia continue to produce oil at the current levels?
4- What was the cost of the huge project the ARAMCO has completed?
5- What is the maximum production of ARAMCO at present?
6- What is the maximum production that ARAMCO aims to reach by 2015?
Come back again soon for the answers and the transcription of the news item.