Arabic Language Blog

6 Ways to Express Anger in Arabic Posted by on Nov 18, 2014

Marhaba! We’ve all had days when things become unbearable at work or at home, or things heat up the wrong way in a conversation with friends or family, or after watching a football game and your favorite team loses. The easiest thing to do, at least I find to be the easiest, is to vent…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: Oil Prices Posted by on Nov 16, 2014

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Here, in this post I am presenting the answers to the last reading comprehension exercise about “oil prices. To see the exercise again, please click here. الإجــَــابــَـــات Answers قــَــالــَــتْ وِكــَــالــَــة الــطــَّــاقــَــةِ الــدَّوْلــِــيــَــةِ أنَّ أســْــعــَــارِ الــنــَّــفــْــطِ ســَــتــَــســْــتــَــمــِــرُّ فـِـي الــهــُــبــُــوط فـِـي الــعــَــامِ الــمــُــقــْــبــِــل .      1) The International Energy Agency (IEA) said that…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: Oil Prices Posted by on Nov 16, 2014

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:     قــَــالــَــتْ وِكــَــالــَــةُ الــطــَّــاقــَــةِ الــدَّوْلــِــيــَّــةِ أنَّ أســْــعــَــارَ الــنــَّــفــْــطِ ســَــتــَــســْــتــَــمــِــرُّ فــِـي الــهــُــبــُــوطِ فــَـي الــعــَــامِ الــمــُــقــْــبــِــلِ بــِــســَــبــَــبِ ضــَــعــْــفِ الــطــَّــلــَــبِ مــِــنْ نــَــاحــِــيــَــةٍ ، وَ زِيــَــادَةِ إنــْــتــَـــاجِ الــوِلايــَــاتِ الــمــُـــتــَّــحــِــدَةِ مــِــنْ الــنــَّــفــْــطِ الــصــَّــخــْــريِّ مــِــنْ نــَــاحــِــيــَــةٍ أخــْــرَى . وَ كــَــانَ ســِــعــْــرُ خــَــامْ بــِــرِنــْــتْ…

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Mutabbal Recipe Posted by on Nov 14, 2014

In this post, I give you a very easy recipe for a delicious appetiser. It is called Mutabbal (متبل) or Baba Ghanouj (بابا غنوج). Ingredients: 1 large eggplant (aubergines) 1  large cloves garlic ½  tablespoon lemon juice 2  tablespoons tahini (sesame paste) 1  tablespoon yoghurt 1  teaspoon salt How to make Mutabbal: 1-            Roast the eggplants. …

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Fisal’s Arabic-English Dictionary Posted by on Nov 12, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic lovers! Do you have an Arabic-English dictionary? Having a dictionary is very helpful in learning a foreign language. In today’s post, I present all the dictionary entries (posts) that I have already published in the Transparent Arabic Blog up till now like what I have done in the Index of Arabic…

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“If only we hadn’t parted, …”: Kazim Al-Sahir Posted by on Nov 5, 2014

   Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful love song أُغــْــنــِــيــَّــة  by Kazim Al-Sahir كــَــاظــِـــم الــســَّــاهــِــر . The song is entitled “If only we hadn’t parted, .. لــَــوْ أنــَّــنــَــا لــَــمْ نــَــفــْــتــَــرِق“. It was written by the famous Egyptian poet شــَــاعــِـــر Farouk Gweedah فــَــارُوق جــُــويـــدة . Kazim Al-Sahir is used to composing most –…

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Your Vote is your Voice: The 2014 Midterm Elections in the U.S.A Posted by on Nov 4, 2014

Marhaba! As you might know already, on Tuesday November 4, 2014 millions of Americans are heading to voting polls (أقلام الإقتراع) to participate in the midterm elections (إنتخابات). You will come across a plethora of electoral campaigns (حملات إنتخابية), TV ads, flyers, Facebook and Twitter posts that promote the platforms of candidates (مرشُّحين) as well…

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