Arabic Language Blog

Listening Comprehension – Islamic State – facts Posted by on Oct 19, 2014

The topic of the Islamic State and the war against it is one of the hottest topics nowadays. In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise about this topic .The exercise is based on a news report published by Listen to the report and answer the questions that follow. You can use the…

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Kamel Keilani (1897 – 1959) Posted by on Oct 16, 2014

   Ahlan Arabic lovers! Today, I am going to tell you about a famous Egyptian figure. Kamel Keilani كــامــِــل كــيــلانــِــي was an eminent figure of modern Arabic literature الأدَب whose marvelous works left a mark in the literary history and qualified him to be “the pioneer of child literature رائــِــد أدب الــطــِّــفــْــل“.     Kamel…

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What Should You Know about the Arab Spring? Posted by on Oct 14, 2014

Marhaba! Millions of Arabs took to the streets and toppled what they viewed as authoritarian and unrepresentative regimes (أنظمة). With the plethora of news outlets reporting from Tunisia (تونس), Egypt (مصر), and Libya (ليبيا) during the high tide of the ongoing revolutions (ثورات), it is impossible not to have seen a glimpse of these protests…

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Index of Arabic Grammar Posted by on Oct 12, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic lovers! Since Arabic grammar is giving some headache to most non-Arabic speakers, today’s post will be devoted to recycling Arabic grammar. Here, I will publish the topics and links of all the grammar posts that I have written since March, 2011 in the same chronicle order they were posted. I hope…

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Listening Comprehension Answers: The Arabic Language Posted by on Oct 9, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic lovers! How did you do in the last listening exercise? In this post, I am presenting the answers for you all to check. To view the exercise again, click here. الإجــَـــابــَـــات Answers كــَــان الــهــَــدفُ الــرئــيــســىُّ لــِــمــُــؤتــَــمــَــر أبــُــو ظــَــبــْــى الــدّولــِــي لــِــتــَــعــْــلــِــيــم الــلــُّــغــَــةِ الــعــَــربــِــيــَّــة لــِــغــَــيــْــر الــنــَّــاطــِــقــِــيــنَ بــِــهــَـــا هــُــو الــلــُّــغــَــة الــعــَــربــيــَّــة و الــنــُــهــُــوض بــِــهــَـــا فـِـى…

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Listening Comprehension Exercise: The Arabic Language Posted by on Oct 9, 2014

  شــَــاهــِــدْ الــفــِــيــديــُــو ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Watch this video and then answer the following questions: مــاذا كــَــان الــهــَــدفُ الــرئــيــســىُّ لــِــمــُــؤتــَــمــَــر أبــُــو ظــَــبــْــى الــدّولــِــي لــِــتــَــعــْــلــِــيــم الــلــُّــغــَــةِ الــعــَــربــِــيــَّــة لــِــغــَــيــْــر الــنــَّــاطــِــقــِــيــنَ بــِــهــَـــا ؟       1) What was the main goal of the Abu Dhabi International Conference for Teaching Arabic to non-speakers? مــا اِســْــم الــجــِــهــَــة…

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The International Samaa’ Festival for Spiritual Music and Chanting Posted by on Oct 8, 2014

Let’s listen to see and let’s see to listen لــِــنــَــســْــمــَــعْ حــَــتــَّــى نــَــرى ، و لــِــنــَــرى حــَــتــَّــى نــَــســْــمــَــعْ      Ahlan Arabic fans! Today, I am going to tell you about a nice event that took place during the last month. From 20th – 27th September, 2014, the 7th round of the International Samaa’ Festival for spiritual…

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