Arabic Language Blog

An Arabic Crossword Puzzle on Ramadan (2) Posted by on Jul 14, 2014

Marhaba! If you are Muslim or you have Muslim friends, you would know that the Holy Month of Ramadan is really about self-evaluation and self-reflection. You would also immediately realize that many of the traditions and activities related to Ramadan are common in other Abrahamic religions as well as other religious traditions. Prayer, fasting, inner…

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An Arabic Crossword Puzzle on Ramadan Posted by on Jul 12, 2014

Marhaba! Millions and millions of Muslims around the globe partake in different traditions and activities in the Holy Month of Ramadan. It’s a time for prayer, sacrifice, self-reflection, charitable actions, and family reunions. In addition to the religious significance, two amazing family traditions in this Holy Month are the lavish dinners, known as Iftars, which…

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Arabic Listening Comprehension Exercise, Syria crisis, Answers Posted by on Jul 11, 2014

In this post, I present the transcription and the answers of the listening comprehension exercise that deals with the humanitarian situation in Syria. Transcription: قال ناشطون سوريون إن النظام منع منظمة الهلال الأحمر من توصيل مساعدات للنازحين في غوطة دمشق الغربية التي تؤوي مئات الآلاف من النازحين. وأفادت لجان التنسيق المحلية بأن عدد النازحين في…

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Arabic Listening Comprehension Exercise, Syria crisis Posted by on Jul 11, 2014

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise that deals with current affairs, more specifically the humanitarian situation in Syria. Please listen to the report and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary at the end of the post to facilitate your comprehension.   Answer the Following Questions: 1- What did…

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Reading comprehension, Ramadan, answers Posted by on Jul 7, 2014

In this post, I present the answers of the previous reading comprehension exercise on Ramadan.   كيف استقبلتم شهر رمضان هذا العام؟ معظم الأسواق العربية تعاني مع حلول شهر رمضان من ارتفاع في اسعار المواد الغذائية. ربما ظلت الجوانب الدينية والروحية أهم ما يميز شهر رمضان المبارك لزمن طويل في العديد من دول العالم العربي…

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Reading comprehension, Ramadan Posted by on Jul 6, 2014

Read the text and answer the following questions. You can use the vocabulary list at the end of the post to facilitate your comprehension.   كيف استقبلتم شهر رمضان هذا العام؟ معظم الأسواق العربية تعاني مع حلول شهر رمضان من ارتفاع في اسعار المواد الغذائية. ربما ظلت الجوانب الدينية والروحية أهم ما يميز شهر رمضان…

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Listening Comprehension Answers: Ramadan Desserts Posted by on Jul 3, 2014

     Ahlan, Arabic fans! Did you like the listening comprehension exercise about Ramadan Desserts? How did you score? In today’s post I am going to provide the answers for every one of you to check. Spending Ramadan in any Muslim or Arab country is so special. It is the month of Sawm الــصــيــام (fasting)…

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