Arabic Language Blog

Reading Comprehension Answers: The Phenomenon of Abu-Simbel Posted by on Feb 25, 2014

Here are the answers to the reading comprehension exercise about the phenomenon of Abu-Simbel. To view the exercise again, click here. تـــَـــتـــَـــحــَــــدَّثْ الــقــِـــطـــْـــعــَــــةُ عن ظاهرة معبد أبو سمبل و حب الملك رمسيس الثانى لزوجته نفرتارى      1) The passage is about the phenomenon of the Temple of Abu-Simbel and the love of King Ramses II…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: The Phenomenon of Abu-Simbel Posted by on Feb 22, 2014

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:       فــِــي صــَــبــَــاح الـيــَــوم الـســَــبـت الـمـُــوافــِــق 22 فـِــبـرايــر ، تــَــعــَــامـَــدَتْ الـشــَّــمــْــسُ عــلــى وَجــْــهِ تــِـمــْــثـــَــالِ الـمـَــلـِــك رمـســيــس الـثــانــى داخــِــل مـَــعــْــبــَــدِهِ بــِـمـَـــديــنـــة أبــُــو سـِــمــبــِــل فـى جــَــنــُــوب أســْــوان بــِــصــَــعــيــدِ مـِـصــر . و تـــُــعــتـــَـــبــَـــر هـَــذهِ الــظــَّـــاهــِـــرَةِ الــفــَــلــَــكــِــيـــّــةِ هـِـىَ الأقـــْـــدَم و الأهـــَـــم بــيــنَ…

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Arabic Crossword Game on the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi – Part 2 Posted by on Feb 19, 2014

Marhaba! I am confident you learned many new valuable words from the Arabic crossword puzzle in the previous post. Spending some time on such games can tremendously help you learn new words in a fun and innovative way. If you are watching the any of the winter games in Sochi, you can now discuss some…

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Arabic Crossword Game on the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Posted by on Feb 18, 2014

As you’ve realized from the previous listening comprehension exercise, I am really excited about the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.   For that reason, among others, today, I have created an interesting Arabic crossword game using different words related to the Winter Olympics. As with all previous crossword games, this will allow you to have…

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Resitance Songs Posted by on Feb 15, 2014

In my previous post, I invited you to think about the situation in Egypt and what is happening there. Today, I write about one of the impacts of the coup that took place in Egypt on the 3rd of July 2013, and resulted in ousting the first civilian democratically elected president of Egypt after one…

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Some Fascinating Facts about the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi – Part 2 Posted by on Feb 14, 2014

Marhaba! I hope you had the time to tune in and watch any of the games at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. If you have not, I encourage you again to take a look! I am confident you found the listening comprehension exercise from the previous post interesting and useful.   In this post…

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Some Fascinating Facts about the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Posted by on Feb 13, 2014

Marhaba! If you have not already, tune in now and watch the many amazing athletes from around the world amicably contest in various competitions at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. It’s simply bedazzling and inspiring for any individual around the globe to watch these athletes push to the limit to win! The amount of…

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