Arabic Language Blog

This Day in History; The July 23, 1952 Revolution Posted by on Jul 23, 2012

       Today is the 60th anniversary of the July 23, 1952 Revolution ثورة . The revolution began with a successful military coup d’etat انقلاب that was led by the Free Officers Movement حركة الضباط الأحرار . The Free Officers were a group of army officers led by Muhammad Naguib محمد نجيب and Gamal Abdel-Nasser جمال عبد…

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Fisal’s Dictionary: “to move” Posted by on Jul 22, 2012

Fisal’s Dictionary: “to move  حــَــرَك”     Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary in order to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb حـَـرَكَ  and explore some of its derivatives. * حـَـرَكَ    [V.I.] = 1- To feel or complain about some…

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Welcome Ramadan Posted by on Jul 21, 2012

   Today we will listen to a nice Ramadan song by the famous Egyptian singer; Abdel Aziz Mahmoud عبد العزيز محمود . The song was published in 1966 and is entitled “Welcome Ramadan مـَــرحــَــب رمــضـــان” . There are so many Arabic songs in different dialects that celebrate the coming of this holy month every year…

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It is Ramadan! Posted by on Jul 19, 2012

      Tomorrow is the first day of the holy month of Ramadan رمـضــان . Ramadan is the time when Muslims all over the world fast. The fasting of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Since Ramadan is a special month in the Muslim calendar, it is celebrated in so many different ways…

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Baby Animals Posted by on Jul 18, 2012

Baby Animals صــِـــغــــَــــــار الــحـــَـــيـــــوانـــَـــات  In today’s post, we are going to learn some names of baby animals in the Arabic language. * The baby lion أســـَـــد is called a “cub شـــِــبــْـــل  “ * The baby horse حـِــصــَــان is called a “foal or colt مــُــهـــْـــر ” * The baby donkey حــِــمــَـــار is called a “foal or…

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Youssef Wahbi (1898 – 1982) Posted by on Jul 14, 2012

     Youssef  Wahbi يـوسـف وهــبــي was born on July 14th 1898 in the city of Al-Fayoum الــفــَـــيــُّـــوم  , Egypt. He was an Egyptian theatre and cinema actor مـُـمـَــثـــِّـــل and director مـُــخــرِج , a leading star نــَــجــْــم of the 1930s and 1940s and one of the most prominent Arab stage actors of all times.     Wahbi was…

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Listening Comprehension Quiz Answers Posted by on Jul 10, 2012

Here are the answers to the previous Listening Comprehenshion Quiz. 1) أول مــَــديــنـــة هــي الــقـــاهــِـــرة و درجــــة الــحـــرارة بــهــا هــي 36 The first city is Al-Qahirah (Cairo) and its temperature is 36 2) أول مــَــديــنـــة تـقــع عـلـى ســاحــل الــبــحــر الـمـتـوســط هـي دمــيـــاط و درجــة حــرارتــهـــا هـي 32 The first city that lies on the coast…

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