Arabic Language Blog

Reading Comprehension Answers Posted by on Jan 22, 2012

   In today’s post, I am going to present the answers of the previous reading comprehension exercise. To view the reading exercise questions, click on the following link;  * اقرأ القطعة التالية و أجب عن الأسئلة    Read the following passage and answer the questions            بدأ العام الدراسى الجديد , و فرح التلاميذُ…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise Posted by on Jan 21, 2012

* اقرأ القطعة التالية و أجب عن الأسئلة    Read the following passage and answer the questions       بدأ العام الدراسى الجديد , و فرح التلاميذُ كثيراً بذهابهم إلى المدرسة و مقابلة زملاءهم . و دخل المُدرسُّ الفصلَ مبتسماً , و كان مسروراً بنظام التلاميذ و حماسهم , و قال لهم : ” اجتهدوا فالعلمُ أساسُ التقدم…

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Kana and Sisters (Part 3) Posted by on Jan 20, 2012

Kana and Sisters (Part 3) كانَ و أخواتها      Kana and its sisters are special verbs in the Arabic Grammar. These verbs come at the  beginning of the  nominative sentence. The Mubtada of the nominative sentence becomes the noun subject (Ism) of Kana and sisters wheareas the Khabar becomes the Khabar of Kana and sisters…

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Kana and Sisters (Part 2) Posted by on Jan 18, 2012

             Now that we have learnt the verb Kana and its sisters, we should all ask: What do these verbs mean? What do they refer to? What are they used for? In today’s post, we will try to answer these Questions. We will look at these verbs in different categories according to their use…

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Kana and Sisters (1) Posted by on Jan 16, 2012

Kana and Sisters (1) كان و أخواتها The Nominal sentence consists of two parts; the subject (Mubtada) and the predicate  (Khabar). Both parts of the nominal sentence are always in the Nominative (Marfo’) Case حالة الرفع . The Nominative Case means that the noun often has a Dammah or a Damm Tanween on its ending. Today…

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The Nominal Sentence; Wrapping Up Posted by on Jan 15, 2012

Today, In Sha’a Allah, we will wrap up all what we have learnt about the nominal sentence up till now.  The Nominal Sentence consists of two parts; the first is a noun and it is called the subject or the Mubtada المبتدأ . The second part is called the predicate or Al-Khabar الخبر…

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Mother of the Egyptians Posted by on Jan 13, 2012

Safiya Zagloul (1878 – 1946)      Born to an aristocratic family, Safiya Zaghloul صفية زغلول was the daughter of Mustafa Fahmy  Pasha  مصطفى فهمي باشا , who was one of Egypt’s first Prime Ministers. She was nicknamed after her husband Saad Pasha Zaghloul سعد باشا زغلول . She was also nicknamed the ‘Mother of the Egyptians…

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